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Involving External Staff via Light Agent in Zendesk Support
Posted Oct 30, 2024
The Light Agent role in Zendesk Support offers a promising way to involve external team members within a company’s customer service framework. However, there are some limitations that we’ve observed, which may impact its usability in certain scenarios:
- Customer Data Access: Light Agents can access customer data when using the search function or viewing the customer list. This may pose data security concerns for some companies that prefer limited visibility for external collaborators.
- Restricted Communication Capabilities: Light Agents can only participate in ticket communication through email notifications. Unlike regular agents, they cannot be directly assigned to tickets, which limits their ability to engage seamlessly in ticket handling.
- License Cost Concerns: While we understand that Zendesk’s licensing model supports its platform, it can be financially challenging for companies to justify full-agent licenses for external staff managing a limited number of tickets, perhaps fewer than ten. A more flexible model, such as allowing a set number of monthly interactions per Light Agent (e.g., 10 tickets), could provide a cost-effective solution.
Introducing enhanced Light Agent options would make Zendesk even more versatile for businesses looking to optimize external collaboration while managing costs effectively.
Scott Tynan
We have exactly this challenge, and it is painful to manage.
We have 24 agents and 700 light agents, most only have a couple of interactions with the agents a month, but many of them have daily interactions, but they don't need full agent privelidges, just elevated light agent ones (perhaps a new role of SME could be introduced?)
For point 2 I have created a workaround, tickets can be assigned to groups, if light agents belong to the group they can receive the emails and then reply etc.
I have had to make 250 groups!
We would happily pay $30NZ a month for some to be upgraded to an SME role so that we could assign tickets directly to them.
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback and Scott for chiming in here as well. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!