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New Home Page layout

Posted Feb 07, 2025

I'm not a fan of the new home screen layout. It’s so hard to see which tickets were last replied to by the client. The updates section is unappealing and difficult to read. Previously, client updates included a preview of the messages. It would be better if my own updates on tickets weren’t shown, or at least if there was an option to filter and show only the latest tickets with client replies.




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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Gia,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


I agree with this post. While I like the look of the new layout, my workflow is impacted by the lack of detailed updates, like the old homepage used to include. These updates made it easier to respond to urgent cases as soon as you saw that a client or internal team updated the ticket by providing a short preview as well as ticket information. With this new feature, you can't even point your cursor over the update for a preview of what the update was. You have to click into it to explore and see more information, which slows down the workflow and is not an efficient use of time. 


Agreed.  The New Home Page layout is not useful. 

Ended up creating my own custom view.  Now I have to break the habit of selecting ‘Home’ as that is not helpful.  The new home view is completely not efficient for an organized view of tickets.


We were forced to switch to the new homepage layout today and we totally agree with these comments: the preview feature was the most important feature of this page and now it's gone. We also don't understand why the updates have been moved to the bottom right corner where there's so little space that you can only visualize a few updates without scrolling. But that's the information we need most: why hiding it down there? You could hide all the rest, but not that!


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Zac Garcia

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all! I'm Zac, the person responsible for both the new Agent Home and its rollout. It's very important to me that the transition go smoothly for every customer. It's a lofty goal, but one I value highly.

First, if these changes are not feasible for your team or operation right now, an admin from your account can reach out to our support team for more help.

Next, I would like to engage thoughtfully with all the feedback I've heard here - especially the “Why's”. No matter how much planning goes into a dramatic change like this, some adjustment is to be expected - and I know I will learn new things as well. We are committed to incorporating those learnings into the future roadmap.

I'm hearing from Gia Passalacqua that you want to more easily view updates from customers:

It’s so hard to see which tickets were last replied to by the client.

It would be better if my own updates on tickets weren’t shown, or at least if there was an option to filter and show only the latest tickets with client replies.

Heard. We will look into ways to make this easier to digest. Thanks for sharing it.

To make things easier today, know that many customers set their ticket status to Pending after replying to a customer. This differentiates tickets “waiting on you” (open) vs. “waiting on your customer” (pending). You can then filter the Home page by status to see only Open tickets (that are waiting on you). When your customer replies, it always automatically returns to Open status.

If you have the standard automations in place, an added benefit is that your Zendesk will automatically remind your customers to reply if you don't hear from them after a couple of days in Pending status.

Second, I've seen feedback on the Updates section in this thread:

The updates section is unappealing and difficult to read. Previously, client updates included a preview of the messages

the preview feature was the most important feature of this page and now it's gone. We also don't understand why the updates have been moved to the bottom right corner where there's so little space that you can only visualize a few updates without scrolling. But that's the information we need most: why hiding it down there? You could hide all the rest, but not that!

While I like the look of the new layout, my workflow is impacted by the lack of detailed updates, like the old homepage used to include. These updates made it easier to respond to urgent cases as soon as you saw that a client or internal team updated the ticket by providing a short preview as well as ticket information.

This post has drawn together a strong feedback theme: the updates were useful for the content they included, but now that content is removed. Why did you change them and relocate them?

To answer this, I would often hear that updates are happening at such a pace that the feed was not useful, and in fact, it could be overwhelming because updates can't be dismissed. In many cases, we heard that focusing directly on the tickets relevant to the agent was the most important thing. In addition, with Agent home, the latest comment update is now visible directly in the work list (without having to mouse over it). Therefore, to reduce duplication, we removed those same updates in the Updates section. Updates on the legacy Dashboard was not a comprehensive solution - it only showed some of the changes made to tickets. As we work on it, we want to make it better, and not just port over the previous experience.

Know that we are working on improvements to Notifications at Zendesk, as shared here. This will make your updates experience more consistent across the product.

Your feedback sheds new light on all we've learned over many, many conversations and feedback points we've received from customers. As we roll out a feature more widely, it's inevitable that we learn more. And even if we haven't hit the goal yet in the cases mentioned above, we are here to support you through this transition and improve the Agent Home experience to make work even easier than before.


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