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Proactive Messaging not working to iframe urls


Publicado 25 abr 2023


I've been trying to implement proactive messaging and the messages have not been sent as expected.

Using the rule "visitors url includes QC" I was expecting a message to be sent when the client navigated to a url which includes QC, however this is not working and it appears to be due to the fact "the URL is an iframed page loaded when the link is clicked, so messaging is not being loaded on that URL."

This seems a limitation that needs to be improved as should include iframe urls when sending proactive messages.

As it stands I now can't use this feature which is a shame.



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Arpan Nagdeve

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi James, 
URL evaluation in case of proactive messages happens on the client side, that mainly restricts us to provide any support for the iFrame based implementation. If on your end iframe based implementation can be revisited we can support running proactive messages in that case. 


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