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Ticket Tags in Chat Engagements Dataset

Publication le 21 sept. 2021

Hi team,

Can we get Ticket Tags added to the Chat Engagements dataset, the same way they're in the Calls and Tickets datasets?

Here's a use case: we report on mandatory field values of the ticket for all chats. Sometimes, however, a user closes the ticket without using these mandatory field values by merging the ticket into another ticket. Now we don't have some info about that chat. While still using the chats dataset, I'd like to be able to have that explanatory power for why the mandatory field was blank.

Even that use case aside, though, there are many, many reporting issues where the answer given is "this will let you add a tag to the ticket whenever that happens". If we can't access the ticket tags from the Chats dataset, none of those solutions work.




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