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Ticket Search API - Field Specific Response?

Publication le 01 déc. 2023

I'm running an API ticket search by phone number
Ex.  /api/v2/search.json?query=type:ticket+requester:%2B555-123-4567

I only want returned in the response the "url" value for ticket(s) found and don't need all of the other fields.  Is it possible to either only return certain fields or suppress lengthy sections like "custom_fields"?



1 commentaire

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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Greg,
It's not possible to filter the properties on the response object(s), unfortunately. Depending on how you're working with the data, your best bet would likely be running a bit of code in the background to filter the results on your end.
Sorry I couldn't be more help!


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