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problem with fetching unique articles in category

Publication le 07 déc. 2024

Hello, im doing integration for fetching zendesk articles within a given category. 
Problem is that i cannot see a effitient way to fetch Unique articles. 
Each article may be putted into multiple sections and category contains multiple section.

is there any efficent way to fetch unique articles in category without looping through each section in category and filtering by id?
such aproach uses multiple api calls and its not performance well.  below is my poor performance solution ;( i guess filtering such things like unique articles should be waay better done on your api side (or maybe is it but im doing wrong :P) 

"zendesk/zendesk_api_client_php": "^3.0"

    public function getArticlesByCategory(int $categoryId, int $page = 1, int $perPage = 25): array
        try {
            $sectionsResponse = $this->client->helpCenter->sections()->findAll(['category_id' => $categoryId]);

            if (!isset($sectionsResponse->sections)) {
                throw new InvalidDataException(
                    "No sections found for category ID: $categoryId",
            $sections = $sectionsResponse->sections;
            $allArticles = [];
            foreach ($sections as $section) {
                $articlesResponse = $this->client->helpCenter->articles()->findAll(['section_id' => $section->id]);

                if (isset($articlesResponse->articles)) {
                    foreach ($articlesResponse->articles as $article) {
                        $allArticles[$article->id] = $article;
            $uniqueArticles = array_values($allArticles);
            $offset = ($page - 1) * $perPage;
            $paginatedArticles = array_slice($uniqueArticles, $offset, $perPage);
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            throw new InvalidDataException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());

        if (empty($paginatedArticles)) {
            throw new InvalidDataException(
                "No articles found for category ID: $categoryId",

        return $paginatedArticles;



2 commentaire

Hi Piotr Pilat ,

I don't see it in your code, so could you share the specific endpoint that you are using?  I see Zendesk provides an endpoint for GET /api/v2/help_center/categories/{category_id}/articles, but I'm not sure if you are already using that or if it would be helpful for you.


Well indeed im using it but lets say its not efficient way of fetching new articles. 
lets say you will have articles binded into multiple sections. than api shows the same article multiple times. (well at least that what im seeing on API side as i dont have access to “customer panel”  
my partial soluton is just filter by uuid of articles after fetching them all. but as i said is not efficent :) 
anyway thank you for your help :)) 


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