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Compile error when integrate new Zendesk SDK for Android
Data ultimo post: 05 ago 2021
Hello, It's very nice to use your new SDK.
Now, I'm going to upgrade Zendesk SDK to newer version.
However, I got the compilation issue when I upgrade new SDK by replacing below lines.
-> Replace this:
compile "com.zendesk:sdk:''"
implementation group: 'com.zendesk', name: 'support', version: '5.0.2'
When upgrade new SDK with version 5.0.2, then dagger annotation files are not generated, but it works when I use old version "".
compile "com.google.dagger:dagger:'2.7'"
I guess when I use new SDK on my project, then annotation file generating doesn't be worked.
Can you please help me on this?
7 commenti
Eric Nelson
Hey @...,
Since version 3.0.1 we've required a minimum of google dagger's version to be 2.23.2. Please try upgrading that dependency along with the SDK and you should be all set.
Golan Derazon
Hi Eric, Thank you for your answer.
Same issue when I upgrade dagger to 2.23.2.
Also, I'm now trying to use Zendesk SDK 5.0.3.
Could you please help me?
Eric Nelson
Hey Golan,
Did you receive a different error message? If so, can you please provide that?
Have a wonderful day!
Eric Nelson | Manager - Developer Advocacy
Golan Derazon
Hi Eric, No, it's same with before.
Eric Nelson
Hey Golan,
That's very odd, mind if I move this into a ticket so that we can continue debugging this?
Have a wonderful day!
Eric Nelson | Manager - Developer Advocacy
Golan Derazon
Hi Eric, Can I share my screen to you?
Now, the issue is not to generate dagger files on compile time.
Eric Nelson
Hey Golan,
Feel free to drop a screen recording of the issue if you feel comfortable. Though if you'd prefer to move this into a ticket to send that recording, just let me know.
Have a wonderful day!
Eric Nelson | Manager - Developer Advocacy