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Updating the Slack app for webhooks.

Con risposta

Data ultimo post: 02 ago 2021

Feature Request Summary: 

I would like to see the Zendesk Slack app (used for side conversations) to be updated to meet the new standards in converting HTTP Targets to Webhooks before the depreciation of the HTTP target feature.

Description/Use Cases: 

Multiple of our clients use the Slack Integration to use the side conversation feature in their Slack environment. With the upcoming changes I'd like to make sure that the feature is not lost or deactivated. 

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

It's a critical feature for the workflow, where side conversations are used to get input on cases. 



2 commenti


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Sean Bourke

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Mark,

Thank you for the feedback.

At this time, only HTTP targets are being deprecated and converted to webhooks. Targets created from Zendesk integrations will be converted at a later date. Right now they are excluded from the conversion process. We are working through transitioning these Zendesk integrations to webhooks in future updates.


Hi Sean,

Thank you for this, I appreciate the feedback. Should be fine for now then! 


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