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Connection error chat SDK - iOS/Flutter

Data ultimo post: 21 dic 2020


I am developing an integration with the chat SDK but messages are never sent. The curious thing is that when I send a media file, be it a document or photos, the media file is sent and then immediately the other messages that were in the queue are also sent.

Nothing appers in the log and sometimes the error "Connection Failed" with a button Try again appears.

This error appear only on iOS.

I've checked the appId and the AccountKey, they're correct.

I have internet connection

I'm sending screenshots showing the issue.


Xcode version: Version 12.0.1 (12A7300)
Swift 4.

My code:

        Chat.initialize(accountKey: "KEY_ACCOUNT", appId: "MY_APP_ID")


    func buildUI() throws -> UIViewController {

        CommonTheme.currentTheme.primaryColor = .black

        let chatConfiguration = ChatConfiguration()

        chatConfiguration.isAgentAvailabilityEnabled = true

        chatConfiguration.isPreChatFormEnabled = false


        let chatAPIConfiguration = ChatAPIConfiguration()

        chatAPIConfiguration.department = "Tech"

        chatAPIConfiguration.visitorInfo = VisitorInfo(name: "Robson Cardozo", email: "myemail@email.com", phoneNumber: "+5562000000")


        Chat.instance?.configuration = chatAPIConfiguration


        // Build view controller

        let chatEngine = try ChatEngine.engine()

        return try Messaging.instance.buildUI(engines: [chatEngine], configs: [chatConfiguration])



    private func startChat(result: FlutterResult, controller: FlutterViewController) throws {

        let viewController = try buildUI()

        let button = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Fechar", style: .done, target: self, action: #selector(dismiss))

        viewController.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = button

        viewController.navigationItem.title = "Ajuda"

        let chatController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController)

        controller.present(chatController, animated: true)


When i send a text message:

When i send a media.




15 commenti

image avatar

Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi @...! It looks like you're utilizing a Flutter plugin, which we do not make ourselves. I would recommend reaching out to the dev team responsible for that to see if they're seeing any similar issues, as this is not something that I can replicate in a sample app


Hey @... I am facing the same problem with implementing the native unfied sdk


image avatar

Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Mohamed...are you using Flutter as well? Are you able to reproduce this in the above sample app?


Hi @..., same issue here (I am using native iOS implementation)

Xcode: Version 12.0.1
Swift 4 (but I tried with Swift 5).

Can you help us?

[EDIT] I'm using this doc> https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/chat-sdk-v-2-for-ios/getting_started#starting-a-chat

[EDIT] My code:


import UIKit
import ChatSDK
import ChatProvidersSDK
import MessagingSDK
import CommonUISDK

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        Chat.initialize(accountKey: "<my key>", appId: "<my id>")
        return true

    // MARK: UISceneSession Lifecycle

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, configurationForConnecting connectingSceneSession: UISceneSession, options: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) -> UISceneConfiguration {
        // Called when a new scene session is being created.
        // Use this method to select a configuration to create the new scene with.
        return UISceneConfiguration(name: "Default Configuration", sessionRole: connectingSceneSession.role)

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didDiscardSceneSessions sceneSessions: Set<UISceneSession>) {
        // Called when the user discards a scene session.
        // If any sessions were discarded while the application was not running, this will be called shortly after application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.
        // Use this method to release any resources that were specific to the discarded scenes, as they will not return.


import UIKit
import SwiftUI
import MessagingSDK
import ChatProvidersSDK
import ChatSDK
import CommonUISDK

class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {

@IBAction func showMessage(sender: UIButton) {
let viewController = try! buildUI()
present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

func buildUI() throws -> UIViewController {
let chatAPIConfiguration = ChatAPIConfiguration()
chatAPIConfiguration.department = "Tech"
chatAPIConfiguration.visitorInfo = VisitorInfo(name: "Renata Oliveira", email: "<user email>", phoneNumber: "<user phone>")
Chat.instance?.configuration = chatAPIConfiguration
let messagingConfiguration = MessagingConfiguration()
messagingConfiguration.name = "Atendimento"
let chatConfiguration = ChatConfiguration()
chatConfiguration.isAgentAvailabilityEnabled = true
chatConfiguration.isPreChatFormEnabled = false
let chatEngine = try ChatEngine.engine()
return try! Messaging.instance.buildUI(engines: [chatEngine], configs: [messagingConfiguration, chatConfiguration])


image avatar

Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Renata! Just to make sure that I understand, you're seeing this error and the message is not being sent? Or is the message sent successfully, but you still see the error?


Hello @..., I saw the error when I sent text message first (status pending).
When I sent a image or other file first, all the queued messages are sent with success.


Hey @..., can you help us?


image avatar

Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Renata, apologies for the delay. It looks like our engineering team may have found the root of this issue and they are currently investigating this. When we have an update, I will drop a line in here.


@... Hey Greg, thank you, I will wait for you.


image avatar

Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi again! I heard back from our engineering team and this is what they shared with us:

There is a mismatch between the file extension and the actual mime-type of the uploaded file. Because of this, our system rejected the file.

The file name: image_name.PNG
The actual mime-type: image/jpeg (our system expects image/png instead)

Note that while many other systems will accept this kind of mismatch (including the default macOS/Windows image viewer), our system will not consider this a valid file and will reject it for safety reason.

That team has opened two investigations as a result...one to provide better error handling in this situation and another to determine if this was something that we would allow in the future. For now, just ensure that the mime-type matches the file and you'll be in good shape!



Hi @Greg - Community Manager,

Thank you for your reply, but our problem is different that problem about mime-types, I guess.

Our problem is:

When I send any text message first, my message status is "Pending" (it doesn't sent). But, if I sent any image/file after the firsts text messages, all messages are sent (texts and images/files). Can you see the difference? Sounds like a: "the file forces the SDK sent all pending messages, including texts messages".

(If I send only text messages, it doesn't are sent - they be pending status).

Can you help us about specifically this problem?

Thank you


image avatar

Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Renata, apologies for my misunderstanding. It sounds to me like the issue here is that the chat session hasn't fully connected yet, although I would expect it to send once the session has been connected. Which to me sounds like the attachment is what ends up connecting the session somehow.

Could you try to reproduce this in our sample app and if the issue does present itself in there, please share any relevant logs?


Hi @...

No worries :)

Of course, where I find this app sample?

But, I show you my log and screenshots (please, see my code below - https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/1500000092482/comments/1260802781490):


Image 1: Before file sent:

Image 2: after file sent



objc[18286]: Class ZDKObservationToken is implemented in both /Users/renata/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A1A54290-6AC8-438A-BE2E-94FACC2A1BB9/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/2CFEB15D-AC67-4040-A138-59F8938B2EB5/zendeskchat.app/Frameworks/MessagingAPI.framework/MessagingAPI (0x1088a8690) and /Users/renata/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A1A54290-6AC8-438A-BE2E-94FACC2A1BB9/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/2CFEB15D-AC67-4040-A138-59F8938B2EB5/zendeskchat.app/Frameworks/ChatProvidersSDK.framework/ChatProvidersSDK (0x1086ac3e8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2021-03-29 13:39:44.992680-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:44.991 INF [Chat] 'Initializing. accountKey: <#MY ACCOUNT KEY#>, appId: <#MY APP ID#>, queue: com.apple.main-thread'
2021-03-29 13:39:47.427338-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:47.427 VER [ChatEngine] 'Connection status update: connecting'
2021-03-29 13:39:47.595037-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1868266] [] nw_protocol_get_quic_image_block_invoke dlopen libquic failed
2021-03-29 13:39:48.555769-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.556 VER [ChatEngine] 'Retrieved account status: <Account: 0x000060000379fb60(accountStatus: online, departments: nil)>'
2021-03-29 13:39:48.556037-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.556 VER [ChatEngine] 'Starting form prechat'
2021-03-29 13:39:48.556638-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.557 VER [ChatEngine] 'Updated visitor info <VisitorInfo: 0x00006000014f8cd0(name: , email: , phoneNumber: , machineId: nil)>'
2021-03-29 13:39:48.557227-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.557 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat settings update: <ChatSettings: 0x00006000037ffa20(fileSizeLimit: 20971520, isFileSendingEnabled: true, supportedFileTypes: [])>'
2021-03-29 13:39:48.557863-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.558 VER [ChatSession] 'ChatConnection: connecting'
2021-03-29 13:39:48.561711-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.562 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: updateVisitorInfo(<VisitorInfo: 0x00006000014f1db0(name: Robson Cardozo, email: robson.junior@rebelbank.com.br, phoneNumber: +5562982057935, machineId: nil)>)'
2021-03-29 13:39:48.562182-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.562 VER [ChatEngine] 'Updating configuration with form details: PreChatForm(visitorInfo: Optional(<VisitorInfo: 0x00006000014f9db0(name: Robson Cardozo, email: robson.junior@rebelbank.com.br, phoneNumber: +5562982057935, machineId: nil)>), departmentId: Optional("Tech"), message: "")'
2021-03-29 13:39:48.562482-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.562 VER [ChatEngine] 'Updated visitor info <VisitorInfo: 0x00006000014f8cd0(name: , email: , phoneNumber: , machineId: nil)>'
2021-03-29 13:39:48.562712-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.563 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat settings update: <ChatSettings: 0x00006000037ffa20(fileSizeLimit: 20971520, isFileSendingEnabled: true, supportedFileTypes: [])>'
2021-03-29 13:39:48.832913-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.833 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat settings update: <ChatSettings: 0x00006000037bc2c0(fileSizeLimit: 20971520, isFileSendingEnabled: true, supportedFileTypes: ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "txt", "pdf"])>'
2021-03-29 13:39:48.833148-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:48.833 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat settings update: <ChatSettings: 0x00006000037bc2c0(fileSizeLimit: 20971520, isFileSendingEnabled: true, supportedFileTypes: ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "txt", "pdf"])>'
2021-03-29 13:39:49.528271-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:49.528 VER [ChatSession] 'ChatConnection: connected'
2021-03-29 13:39:49.531507-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:49.531 VER [ChatEngine] 'Updated visitor info <VisitorInfo: 0x00006000014ff840(name: Robson Cardozo, email: robson.junior@rebelbank.com.br, phoneNumber: +5562982057935, machineId: Optional("12pjq0cE9ZoU1Yu"))>'
2021-03-29 13:39:49.531783-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:49.532 VER [ChatEngine] 'Updated visitor info <VisitorInfo: 0x00006000014ff840(name: Robson Cardozo, email: robson.junior@rebelbank.com.br, phoneNumber: +5562982057935, machineId: Optional("12pjq0cE9ZoU1Yu"))>'
2021-03-29 13:39:49.531967-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:49.532 VER [ChatEngine] 'Connection status update: connected'
2021-03-29 13:39:49.532727-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:49.533 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: setPushToken("")'
2021-03-29 13:39:52.963482-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:52.963 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(true)'
2021-03-29 13:39:55.592855-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:55.593 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(false)'
2021-03-29 13:39:55.593211-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:55.593 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendMessage("Test")'
2021-03-29 13:39:55.598816-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:39:55.599 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat message sent: Test'
2021-03-29 13:40:02.227542-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:02.227 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(true)'
2021-03-29 13:40:04.221135-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:04.221 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(false)'
2021-03-29 13:40:04.221383-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:04.221 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendMessage("Test 2")'
2021-03-29 13:40:04.227387-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:04.227 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat message sent: Test 2'
2021-03-29 13:40:05.906519-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:05.906 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(true)'
2021-03-29 13:40:07.623931-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:07.624 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(false)'
2021-03-29 13:40:07.624146-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:07.624 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendMessage("Test 3")'
2021-03-29 13:40:07.630255-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:07.630 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat message sent: Test 3'
2021-03-29 13:40:14.063810-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:14.064 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(true)'
2021-03-29 13:40:28.457031-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1868266] 13:40:28.457 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(false)'
2021-03-29 13:40:30.722991-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:30.723 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(true)'
2021-03-29 13:40:36.303753-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1868271] 13:40:36.304 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(false)'
2021-03-29 13:40:37.179284-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:37.179 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendMessage("All text messages are pending...")'
2021-03-29 13:40:37.190934-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:37.191 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat message sent: All text messages are pending...'
2021-03-29 13:40:38.010956-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:38.011 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(true)'
2021-03-29 13:40:47.090018-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:47.090 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(false)'
2021-03-29 13:40:47.090350-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:47.090 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendMessage("Now, I will send any file:")'
2021-03-29 13:40:47.104557-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:40:47.105 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat message sent: Now, I will send any file:'
2021-03-29 13:40:49.235698-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want.
Try this:
(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect;
(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it.
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000149c500 UIView:0x7f9ce772f5d0.width == - 16 (active)>"

Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000149c500 UIView:0x7f9ce772f5d0.width == - 16 (active)>

Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKitCore/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
2021-03-29 13:40:57.284176-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want.
Try this:
(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect;
(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it.
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000149e5d0 UIView:0x7f9ce7466200.width == - 16 (active)>"

Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000149e5d0 UIView:0x7f9ce7466200.width == - 16 (active)>

Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKitCore/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
2021-03-29 13:41:08.841607-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:08.842 VER [ChatSession] 'File sent successfully. https://v2uploads.zopim.io/3/T/w/<#MY ACCOUNT KEY#>/312e73aff0d315cf7a56e6800d4dae4d1ac886ee.jpeg'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.564363-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.564 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.582517-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.582 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: TagUpdates(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "tags"], tags: [], type: ChatProvidersSDK.TagUpdateType.remove, id: 01F1ZDP2D9QYSS24FQ4RY9HG29, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.583043-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.583 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: TagUpdates(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "tags"], tags: [], type: ChatProvidersSDK.TagUpdateType.add, id: 01F1ZDP2D9EB8R6XV847MVFHV8, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.583542-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.584 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: TagUpdates(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "tags"], tags: [], type: ChatProvidersSDK.TagUpdateType.remove, id: 01F1ZDP3JKAJ26XZG0EGT7BR45, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.584030-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.584 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: TagUpdates(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "tags"], tags: [], type: ChatProvidersSDK.TagUpdateType.add, id: 01F1ZDP3JKT0ASRRZ3N069Z0ME, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.584992-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.585 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: KeepAliveMessage(paths: ["root", "livechat", "profile"], id: 01F1ZDP4JYGD025WQJWR2EA39B, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.585661-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.586 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: TimeoutMessage(paths: ["root", "livechat", "profile"], id: 01F1ZDP4JY7ZKMWQ9J6WX3YN68, timeout: 60.0, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.586666-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.587 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: true, id: 01F1ZDP7Y9W95WYNAN9YAZX138, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.587178-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.587 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: false, id: 01F1ZDPAGFCA6JKZB9HW80EMVM, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.587689-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.588 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: true, id: 01F1ZDPGZS3KP2TT1F1STW8X41, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.588191-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.588 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: false, id: 01F1ZDPJY3AGZT78TRJHC0BJPZ, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.588868-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.589 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: true, id: 01F1ZDPMJR1P2ZBFQ3GFTKTCPC, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.589523-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.589 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: false, id: 01F1ZDPP8EFGXK8CBREZNWMHJF, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.590352-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.590 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: true, id: 01F1ZDPWHN50W8B5792BFCACJB, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.591181-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.591 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: false, id: 01F1ZDQAKFWQ7JZ090GSXR1SBH, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.592008-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.592 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: true, id: 01F1ZDQCT9KZ5ZX7GEXK4XHGH0, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.592537-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.593 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: false, id: 01F1ZDQJ8PACG285BKJ5R45VT1, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.593345-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.593 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: true, id: 01F1ZDQKY16AB8EC02FE79C8F9, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.593812-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.594 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: false, id: 01F1ZDQWSRVK9R7ZB35PQT9KWY, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.594275-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.594 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: KeepAliveMessage(paths: ["root", "livechat", "profile"], id: 01F1ZDQZ5XE1F6YSET3W6E5YKC, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.609530-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.609 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: true, id: 01F1ZDRXE1VF78Z9YSCNSGTJNX, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:20.940849-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:20.941 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: Message(nick: "visitor:855859-12pjq0cE9ZoU1Yu", displayName: "Robson Cardozo", message: "Test", id: 01F1ZDPAGFY3F7GV5ZA9NJNZTZ, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.requiresAck, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:21.083021-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:21.083 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: PushToken(paths: ["root", "livechat", "profile"], pushToken: "", id: 01F1ZDP4K27HS1XP8PXFFM10NZ, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.requiresAck, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:34.794600-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1869998] 13:41:34.795 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(false)'
2021-03-29 13:41:34.795273-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1869998] 13:41:34.795 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: false, id: 01F1ZDSBCM9EV6KHY21P7GJSXM, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:36.720505-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:36.720 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendMessage("All the messages are sent now!")'
2021-03-29 13:41:36.744948-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:36.745 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat message sent: All the messages are sent now!'
2021-03-29 13:41:37.372437-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:37.372 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: Message(nick: "visitor:855859-12pjq0cE9ZoU1Yu", displayName: "Robson Cardozo", message: "Test 2", id: 01F1ZDPJY3VJGQDVNA1JNZB5WA, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.requiresAck, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:49.527472-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1870786] 13:41:49.527 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: KeepAliveMessage(paths: ["root", "livechat", "profile"], id: 01F1ZDSSS1GS6DSR2S4DG917C2, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:41:53.737549-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:41:53.738 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: Message(nick: "visitor:855859-12pjq0cE9ZoU1Yu", displayName: "Robson Cardozo", message: "Test 3", id: 01F1ZDPP8EP470XB5GVKTW5WZZ, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.requiresAck, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:42:09.057283-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:42:09.057 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(true)'
2021-03-29 13:42:09.057977-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:42:09.058 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: true, id: 01F1ZDTCSRR1T8CSD0T9CHZ2HT, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:42:10.189356-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:42:10.189 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: Message(nick: "visitor:855859-12pjq0cE9ZoU1Yu", displayName: "Robson Cardozo", message: "All text messages are pending...", id: 01F1ZDQK41SM1MWXR2WX57XV95, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.requiresAck, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:42:26.875784-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:42:26.876 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: Message(nick: "visitor:855859-12pjq0cE9ZoU1Yu", displayName: "Robson Cardozo", message: "Now, I will send any file:", id: 01F1ZDQWSR91WVGK40MJM93A2G, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.requiresAck, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:42:40.261274-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:42:40.261 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendTyping(false)'
2021-03-29 13:42:40.261918-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:42:40.262 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: VisitorEvent(paths: ["root", "livechat", "channel", "typing"], isTyping: false, id: 01F1ZDVB7G96QXHYAVHC26AR2H, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:42:40.262185-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:42:40.262 VER [ChatSessionMediator] 'Sending request: sendMessage("(In incorrect order, but sent)")'
2021-03-29 13:42:40.281419-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:42:40.281 VER [ChatEngine] 'Chat message sent: (In incorrect order, but sent)'
2021-03-29 13:42:43.192823-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1866830] 13:42:43.193 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: Message(nick: "visitor:855859-12pjq0cE9ZoU1Yu", displayName: "Robson Cardozo", message: "All the messages are sent now!", id: 01F1ZDSD6J9S3XER65DBQTNSQH, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.requiresAck, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'
2021-03-29 13:42:49.528124-0300 zendeskchat[18286:1871133] 13:42:49.528 VER [ChatSession] 'Path value was sent successfully: KeepAliveMessage(paths: ["root", "livechat", "profile"], id: 01F1ZDVMC5EWAJQ9XQT8JPKFPV, responseType: ChatProvidersSDK.AckResponseType.fireAndForget, status: ChatProvidersSDK.DeliveryStatus.pending, savesToDataNode: true)'


@... any updates?


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Mick O'Donnell

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Renata Oliveira - Sorry for the delayed reply, but if it's still useful to you, the demo iOS app for Chat SDK v2 can be found here. We've also added file and image upload support to our more recent Zendesk SDKs for messaging, you can check these out here.


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