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Is it possible to hide some Ticket fields from administrators or agents

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Data ultimo post: 30 ago 2023

I hope that a  field input by the end user can only be seen by some people, or is read-only and  to the agent, or preferably not visible to all people, and only the API can obtain it. Is this achievable



3 commenti

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Mark Leci

Zendesk Luminary

Yes you can do this - Zendesk has a 'Ticket Field Manager' which allows you to hide certain fields or make them read only regardless of whether the end user can see them or not. 



Thank you very much. This has been very helpful to me. Also, is there any other application that can control the fields that end users see


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Mark Leci

Zendesk Luminary

qiang huang I'm not aware of anything else, if you are looking for something different you may want to search the marketplace. The Ticket Field Manager app is made by Zendesk so I think it's the best option. 


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