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How to Show/Hide HTML content based on user's custom fields
Data ultimo post: 24 nov 2023
We are currently exploring the capability to selectively display or hide specific HTML content within our Zendesk Guide upon attributes we assign to our customers, derived from a sync with Salesforce.
The attribute in question is the User Role field, situated on the user's page, which encapsulates a comma-separated string denoting the user's roles in our backend system—namely, 'Agent,' 'Admin,' 'Owner,' or 'Supervisor.'
In our attempt to retrieve this information, we employed the GET /api/v2/users/me endpoint, aiming to procure the roles assigned to the current user. However, we found out that full information is returned back to the browser if the logged in user is a "Zendesk Agent", but the full information is not returned to the browser if the logged in user is a "Zendesk End-User".
Are there any viable workarounds or alternative approaches to overcome this limitation?
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