New Agent Workspace: Public reply, but no email listed
Hi, we have encountered something in the new Agent Workspace that makes communication to end users prone to errors.
Situation that occured:
- End user calls us (incoming voice call)
- We reply internally several times, between agents
- An agent posts a public reply and closes the ticket
The end user however, has no email listed. Zendesk lets you post the public reply, but this is - of course - not sent anywhere.
In the old agent workspace, if an end user had no email listed, it was not possible to send a public reply. Now, my agents are confused that they can write a public reply which ends up nowhere. Keep in mind that the only conversations we could've possibly had with this end user was through phone. That could be 1 ticket or a hundred and that's fine, but the agent should not be lured into replying by email if no email address has been added.
My proposal
Notify the agent that there is no email present, when the agent starts writing a public reply (or selecting the option). Blocking the public reply option altogether in this situation would also be an option.
Amy Lee
hi there,
In both the old and new agent workspace, users are able to send a public reply without an email on file for the user. If you enable the cc feature, users can enter an email address right on the composer before sending out a public reply.
Daan V
Hi Amy, thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately we have no way of checking that anymore, though we're convinced sending an email was not possible. The cc feature is not what I was referring to. However, we'll have to take your word for it :)
My suggestion still stands, though. Would it not be a good improvement to notify the agent that a public reply will not be sent to the user if no email is added to the end user?
Zendesk support confirmed that, there isn't any available feature/workarounds at this time that will alert/stop agents from replying to a customer that does not have an email address.
I agree with Daan, and would like to see a setting or feature where public reply could be disabled if email address field is empty.
Amanda Rice
+1 this feature would be helpful
Reba Hoeschler
+1 for this
Olivia j
+1 for this!
Vincent Tipaldo