Zendesk background colours
I would like to be able to change the colours on Zendesk. To be able to change the background so it is not predominately white and also the ticket colours etc.
I have been told this is not possibly and I really feel that this would be something all users would benefit from being able to do.
I look forward to your response.
Heather Rommel
We agree. Each of our agents have preferences and what works for one doesn't work for another. In addition to overall color themes, we would like to be able to change the tab lines and font colors, etc. Some of our agents have difficulty seeing the subtle lines and colors. It would be a BIG win to have control over this at the agent level.
Siobhan Laura Hyser
The white background is simply blinding. My eyes hurt after a few minutes.
Hey there :) Beside the esthetic impact of the colours, it would be very helpful for workflow and organisation. In Gmail for instance you can give emails little stars in different colours. This enables me to mark the emails regarding different topics/importance/etc.
I am already using different views to separate the tickets in Zendesk. A further means of separation within each view would be very helpful to get even more order. I imagine changing the color of a ticket by a simple click next to the check box (for instance): one click = orange, two clicks = blue, three clicks = green, etc. You get the idea.
This should of course only be visible by myself and other agents having access to my views.
@ Zendesk Support Group: might this be an interesting feature to integrate?
Thanks in advance for consideration.
Agreed! Allow custom themes per staff. Some folk prefer darker interfaces, less eye straining
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for the feedback, Nicolau. We'll see if some more folks chime in.
Stephen Belleau
I agree as well! Not only would this be useful for accessibility reasons (e.g. colourblindness), but as Nnicolau said, it can help with eye strain as well. Personally I don't see a need for being able to fully customize colours, but would be satisfied if there was a "colourblind mode" and "dark mode".
Elizabeth Cooper
We all agree, we have recently commenced using Zendesk with 23 officers for 7 hours a day. We are all finding the screen is hard to look at all day to the extent that people are using eye drops regularly and getting sore eyes.
Please make the background color adjustable.
Robert Nijboer
We from Tacx would also really appreciate this option.
Sometimes we are working 12 hours shifts and looking at a white background and black letters that long really takes a toll on your eyes.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for the feedback, all. I've flagged this for the Product Managers. I know that they're doing some updates in the coming year, and will hopefully take these comments under consideration. Please continue voting and sharing your needs!
Elizabeth Cooper
We have also noticed that the resolution of Zendesk text is not as good as text in other programs running on the same PC (so it is not the PC settings). could you also please consider this? in the end if we end up with a workplace health and safety issue we will have to stop using Zendesk. Cheers and thanks in advance.
Siobhan Laura Hyser
i'd like to add that this should be an individual setting for any text or background colors
people have different tolerances and vision needs. a high contrast option would not be good for those who do not need it.
thanks so much for taking our feedback on board! looking forward to seeing this in action.
Heather Rommel
^^ Agree with individual settings! Or at least settings the Admin(s) can set.
Nicole Saunders
Hi all -
Thanks for the feedback. We'll continue to collect your comments and votes, though this is not planned in the immediate future, as there are other, larger things in the works for the interface and this would potentially come after those projects are completed.
David Bernheim
If the grey text could be changed to black, it would be much easier to read...
Russell Dunn
The ability to change row colours to highlight certain tickets, the ability to change the colour of text based on priority or another ticket field, the ability to change, well, anything that would help organise views/workflows better.
How much feedback do you need before you start to prioritise what customers want?
Nicole Saunders
Hey Russell -
The Support product team has a big project this year around revamping the agent interface and workflows this year. I'll flag this thread as one with suggestions they should consider.
To answer your question about prioritization, the community forums are just one of many data points we use to prioritize things. Business-critical impact, number of users impacted, and market trends are just a few of the others. We gather data here, in customer interviews, in tickets, and through surveys.
Pedro S.
I'd love this too, good to hear that something's planned that might help. :)
A good dark mode is key and a life, nay, a sight-saver for all us that spend countless hours looking at Zendesk, day in and day out.
Gary Evenett
Until something is implemented you could try using Firefox as it has an option to override all fonts and backgrounds of any web page so you can set high contrast or any combination that feels comfortable. It loses a lot of formatting but the layout remains ok so may be helpful
It would be great if we could highlight tickets with different colors depending on how important the customer is (in terms of how much they pay). We can already assign a value to a custom field for a user, so Zendesk just needs the ability to highlight a ticket with a different color, depending on that value.
E.g. we might have a customer worth $20,000 a year to us submit a ticket, and a customer worth $100 per year also submit a ticket, and there is no real easy way of immediately making it absolutely clear that support staff should focus on the high value customer and make sure they write an excellent, proof-read, customized, timely response for the high value customer.
Tsvetan Marinov
@... what happened with this one, are there any updates? It already passed one year, is it really so difficult to put some predefined themes, such as: light and dark, just to suit your customer needs. After that, your teams can always extend it or improve this.
Li Chu Cheng
Upvote for the ability to change the background color for VIP customers (based on a value in Organization details)
Michael Cardamone
I would also like to see the ability to change color based on the Organization, but I would like the Organization Name itself at the top of the ticket to change.
Additionally I would like the ability to change the background of the comments for public and private to whatever custom color I want/need, with a twist. I would like to also have the background color configurable based on the third party integrator, or connector that updating the ticket.
Comments the customer can see are light green
Internal comments are light grey
Internal comments coming from my JIRA connector are light blue
The text color should also be configurable for each of these states.
Finding what matters become much easier with the background colors.
Alan Hickmon
There is a dark mode extension for Chrome you can download if you were blinded like myself.
I've developed an extension that will allow the colouring of individual ticket rows, which should help.
Please feel free to leave feedback :)
Brett Bowser
Awesome Extension! Thanks for taking the time to share this with everyone :)
Yaniv Dayan
Hi, I'm adding my feedback:
In certain lighting during the day or when adjusting the screen to warm colors, there is almost no difference between the light-pitch background of the internal note and the white background of the public reply (especially since the dialog is at the bottom of the screen creating a low-angle with the eye).
It already happened a few times where we sent a private reply to a client by mistake.
It would be great if we could change the private reply background color to something more intense (or white text on a black background).
Patrick Burnell
We have a colour-blind agent who cannot decipher between the internal note colour and the public reply.
This is not ideal and would be a good feature to change.
Looks like people have been asking for this since 2017... Is there a reason this has been overlooked?
Service Clients
Yes it would be great to personalize the colour !
Jillian Sanschagrin
The new AGENT interface for internal notes yellow is so faint , I am being asked how do we darken it. Please update this feature it is one code change.
Thank you
Clara Garcia
The new Agent Workspace has a terrible customer experience. Since we have updated it we have mistakenly sent information to the end customer, instead of the team as an internal note. Please, this needs to be fixed soon. It would be as easy as making a small change to the code.