Notify agent if requester email is bounced or rejected


So, I'm surprised I never thought of this until now, but it seems like an oversight to me. Maybe I'm missing something? Here's the scenario:

We have an environment where tickets are created using the API from a contact form on our site where the user enters their email address.

When an agent responds to the ticket, what if the email address the requester entered is wrong? If the message is rejected or bounced, the agent would never know! They would go on thinking this person is ignoring them and not have any sort of idea that the requester never got the message.

Can we add some way for Zendesk to notify the agent that the reply was not received? Would be pretty nifty.






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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey everyone, wanted to drop a quick update pointing you to our Product Managers most recent response to this particular feedback. Check it out here: Prioritize Bounced Email Notification

Appreciate you all taking the time to share your feedback with us!


Sam, this has come up several times in the forums. Right now the bounce will be in the Suspended folder. All well and good but no one knows it is there. There is a simple answer to this though but we need someone with a little bit of time to write a custom app for us. 

An app that sits in the ticket app bar and uses the api to query the suspended items to display any items that have the same ticket reference. You could also add a similar app to the user app bar matching on the email address(es).

In theory this is a simple app to write but I just do not have the time to do so. 

In other threads it has been discussed that the desired functionality is more than just this but I personally think that this would be a great start. 

Anyone got  a couple of development hours spare?



This is something that Zendesk should fix.


I noticed in this announcement that there *may* be something coming for this which would be quite exciting. 

"In the near future, you may see comments being flagged for other reasons - such as a comment we weren't expecting to be on the ticket (usually suspended due to "End-user only allowed to update comment) or even delivery problems we may be having. "

I am not sure as yet whether this truly means what I think it does but it will be great if it does. We may just need to be patient. 


Hi Colin,


so, 2 things:

  1. the post you made is not linked to the problem. the problem comes from the fact that agents waste time writing responses that are never read, because they are not sent to a working e-mail address, and nobody really notifies them about it.

  2. the predicament in #1 is nothing short of terrible. I have eschewed telling our support agent that 10% of the tickets he works on just disappear into the ether - he won't be happy. and we're not happy with this either...

right now the emails are being sent to our gmail account which treats them as fake NDRs, so this is not even something we can override and either way it's wrong to require this from agents.

you really need to develop a workaround for this, the sooner the better.



Is there no update to this?

We are just realizing that our agents are not being updated if a message bounces.  The ticket system is so linked to e-mail - why is it that there is no common-sense solution to this?

When a ticket goes out and the requester's e-mail is wrong - even as a primitive solution - why doesn't the bounce just come back to the ticket?  It seems a more sophisticated solution is warranted, tbh, but even the raw bounce notification would let agents know of a problem.



I would also like to see an update to this issue.  It's the biggest drawback to using Zendesk and has caused no end of problems with customers when we don't know they haven't seen the email due to a data entry mistake.  This seems like a basic issue that should've been addressed at the beginning.



NDR's "Disappear into the ether/ suspended tickets" is not really an acceptable answer. How is it that Zendesk still has no simple "rule" for this?

if ({{}} == {{}} && {{requester}}== [$mailerDaemonsArray]) && {{Requester}} != {{Expected-OrigRequester}}{
 flag ticket as NDR...

•••••• More Code••••••


I'm sure it's more complicated than it seems, but on the surface this seems VERY simple.

Pull an array of known mailer daemons, compare to tickets that have been suspended because the requester email address does not match the email address the ticket response was received from, and if those match, flag the ticket as NDR, alert the agent, insert a private comment line "NDR @{{requester-address}}", mark status as open (or something to that effect).


Is there any news about this item? In our implementation bounces are NOT even sent to the "Suspended folder". So we frequently check the original mailbox to find those mails. 


+ 1 


There is related information in this thread:

However, the need described by Sam above is still quite true.  

We need to know if emails to users don't go through.


This would benefit our group as well.  Finding out if an email is blocked our bounced is far too difficult and often gets missed.



When I try to follow this thread I am told that I am not authorised are you able to share @AllenHancock ?

We really need this feature as we invoice out of zendesk and may of these debts are due to the email not even being received.  We currently have the read receipt app that helps see some read messages but it would be good to know from the outset. 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Paul - 

That thread was archived as it had gone inactive for over a year. 

I've flagged this thread for the new PM working on email issues. 



Shouldn't this be visible as an archived thread, and users are simply not allowed to add new comments?

It seems like if it's still got useful information that's being referenced by users in an active thread, even if it's not active, it should visible for customers to refer back to and see what's been said. I've been waiting for some action on this topic for well over a year, so it's kinda aggravating that in that time period, a known open issue has been closed out and isn't even viewable anymore...


This fairly desperately needs a fix.  It causes no end of trouble for customer service.  bounced e-mail should come back in the ticket thread so agents are aware.  

This is a gross oversight .


Noting that this request is duplicated in


And, the need for notifications of bounced messages is as true now as ever.


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

+1 / upvoted! Please vote on this article so we can get some traction. And on the other article Allen mentioned also!



We really need a functionality to see these bounced emails in order to update our database. 

Especially for e-invoicing purposes, we need to know if an invoice/payment request did not reach the customer.

Right now I can only retrieve them in our Outlook back up and manually add them into Zendesk. This is costing me

so much time!




We already created this functionality with My Read Receipts for Zendesk. We currently service over 1,000 companies, 125k,000 agents, and over 5mm pixels per day (last time I checked) with single digit response times WITHOUT FAIL. Why take a chance on unproven technology? Please use the promo code NEWYEARFREE for 2 months of free service. You can go here to install Read Receipts:l 




a big +1 for this missing functionality!

We receive email adresses from our customers by phone and have no option to check/see/correct/whatever mistakes in the recorded email adresses.

In the past (until end of 2016) the delivery fails have been displayed in the suspended tickets view, where you could check and correct them. Perhaps not the perfect solution, but usable.

It's not really comprehensible why this functionality has been completely removed from Zendesk!
In my eyes it's an essentiel function in a customer service that I get a notification when an email can not be delivered to my customer.
Every simplistic mail client can display this....

Please solve this issue asap!

Thanks and regards


This is a serious flaw.
Please fix and improve as soon as possible.
Even though it has been pointed out five years ago, why has not it been improved yet?
I think that it is basically a necessary function to interact with customers,,,




We are also experiencing issues with this problem.. It should be a standard feature of a ticketing system to be able to see whether or not our emails bounce back. Please fix this asap! Because we have Zendesk linked to our support google accounts we don't even see the bounces in the suspended view. It is literally impossible for us to spot a bounce without manually going into our support gmail inboxes. Unacceptable! 


+1 to this


+1 to this issue, we need the notification!!!


Hello, our customers get in touch with us through different webforms. The forms check the email format automatically, but this is not enough to prevent 100% from making a mistake in writing the email adress. 

Later, an agent will write emails to the customer who will never receive. We cannot notice this issue yet!
Before using Zendesk, Outlook informed that an email could not be delivered.

This is a communication basis to know if the sender reaches the recipient. How can we get this information?


@Killian Our app has the ability to generate read receipts and tag unread tickets. While that does not solve the bounced email issue, it does provide a way to create business rules to address this use case. It is possible to attempt to verify invalid email addresses, but the way many mail servers are set up to thwart spammers leaves the value of that service as questionable. One way to address this is to handle this issue is to address tickets that have not been opened within a certain timeframe.  Our Free app that generates read receipts and tags unread tickets which allows you to do this. You can check it out here: Read Receipts



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The Product Manager Whisperer - 2022Community Moderator

+1 to this. Just had a customer tell us he never got our emails. After a long discussion, it was realized the the email address we were using had 1 extra letter. I check suspended tickets multiple times a day and I've never received a failed email notification.



