

Possibility for end user to download their ticket list


A lot of our end-users would like to have the opportunity to download their ticket list in Excel to do their tickets follow-up.

I heard that it was possible in old Zendesk version.  Is there something planned in a near future?

Many thanks.





This recently came up in our Organization. We would like our end-users to be able to download Requests for their Organization from the Help Center/Knowledge base. The use case is that they would like better filtering options and to view more fields then what is currently available. (i.e. multi-select for the dropdowns and to see the original created date instead of days_from)

I was looking at the Requests API but It would be much more convenient to add a button to the "My Requests" page in the knowledge base that allows a CSV download.

If anyone knows how to accomplish this, please let me know!


We have had numerous requests from customers to be able to download their tickets.   Is there any tool that allows this


The best way for customers to download copies of their tickets is to navigate to their My Activities page in your help center, and print the browser page to PDF, as detailed here: How do I save a copy of my tickets with Zendesk Customer Support?


It would be nice if they could export to excel so they could chart data


That would be a good or let us call it basic feature that many of our clients ask for. However we help them by doing it in Explore and automate a sending of the dashboard. So that is also a solution :)

Regarding this answer https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409217659034/comments/5031553837722 - it is not "the best" solution, it is the only solution except mine above and maybe API-solutions?


@... what version of Zendesk are you on, as the professional version only allows scheduling of dashboards and not reports


Julia DiGregorio Sorry, my misstake! I meant sending a dashboard


Johan Billow no worries.   The issue I have with the dashboards is if you change an underlying report you need to refresh the dashboard, edit and save.   Unfortunately with over 1000 customers this isn't that is scalable - editing 1000 dashboards each time a report is changed.


I see, and with change you mean changing metrics, layouts, style etc? 

I plan to make a dashboard to every client with different reports, but now maybe I make one dashboard and a hidden filter instead, that I hope I can hidden when scheduling it. 


Johan Billow - unfortunately, there is no way to do what you are thinking.  I have been down the path with Zendesk in the past.  If the report contains customer specific data, it needs to be its own dashboard.    As for the underlying report, if you add a row, column, or any other change it will not reflect on the dashboard until the dashboard is edited and saved.   I reported this to Zendesk a few months ago as my analyst were upset that changes I made were not appearing.


Thanks for info!


The end user does have an API endpoint that would work.  There are two actually that you can use one is /requests and the other is /organization/:orgid/requests. I have built a proof of concept and I can get it to download to csv.  I am frustrated that zendesk has not added this as it was in the old help desk and everywhere in the Agent view you can download list data.. even in area like ticket fields for lists.  Really seems like an easy thing to add.  Once I get a working version in the handlebar template, I will come back to share.



