Reset Ticket Field Values for Follow-Up Tickets
Feature Request Summary:
Add the ability to reset ticket field values for follow-up tickets.
Description/Use Cases:
Customers often email our team from an old ticket, creating a follow-up ticket that has a lot of irrelevant information to the new ticket in the ticket fields.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Removing individual tags when you have a large amount of tags (we have over 100) is not scalable and we cannot use the Remove Tags option because it removes all tags, even if we need specific ones to stay on the ticket. We just need to be able to reset the fields which generate the tags so we can start the ticket truly fresh with only the tags that should generate on it from the user/organization and not the ticket field value tags.
Other necessary information or resources:
This is being created in response to the https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/206233498?page=2#comment_1260800383449 article.
Permanently deleted user
As a design solution for this, there could be a checkbox within the Custom ticket field menu, such as the one for view/edit rights, identifying a field to either be kept or reset when brought into a follow-up ticket.
This option could be something available only through a feature flag in the Admin>Tickets menu, or equivalent, so that newbie users wouldn't mess with the setting by mistake.
Very much needed function. I have so many customers that replies to old tickets that have nothing to do with the original ticket.
Jun Qin
We also have customers creating a follow-up ticket from a P1 (=Urgent, a custom field) ticket. The new ticket is also P1 automatically while it should not be. Is there a way to prevent pulling a specific ticket field from the old ticket when creating a follow-up ticket?
PS. I know Zendesk is not pulling the system field Priority. We cannot use the System field as we want to P1/P2/P3/P4 instead of Urgent/High/Normal/Low.
Sara Ledger
Jun Qin - Since you can't blank out follow up tickets, we have a trigger to blank out follow-up tickets.
When it meets the below all conditions, we have a Remove Tags action to remove the tags associated with various fields. You could have the Remove Tags action remove your customer priority field tags. I have this setup for our custom priority field on our system (the low, medium, high, urgent tags) and it works great to blank out the fields.
This has been a great work around for our needs!
I have the same solution with triggers. Sadly it doesn't work on TEXT fields so they still stay the same.
Marci Abraham
Yes, having this feature would be a HUGE help to us. We have a lot of custom fields that are plain text, and these follow up tickets are very misleading.
For example, we support teachers who often provide a list of students who have all have a similar issue. We need that list to be in a plain text format; it cannot be a dropdown. There are several similar fields in the ticket form that are also plain text of necessity.
When the teacher creates a follow up via email, the new ticket has a whole list of students who do not really need help on this new ticket, as well as several other unrelated text fields. It is extremely confusing.
A couple of ideas....
- A setting to simply NOT bring forward ANY fields in a follow up ticket. This should be per brand or per form.
- A setting per ticket field as to whether that field should or should not carry forward into a follow up ticket.
Larry Click
I have a numeric field I'd like to zero out on follow-up tickets and there is no way to do so.
Jacob the Moderator
Hey Larry Click not sure if this will work for all non-tagger fields, but we use this for one of our numeric ticket fields that we reset for follow-up tickets.

Larry Click
Thanks I'll give it a try
Gaurav Parbat
Hello all,
We understand the need for this enhancement. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle for 2025. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.
Ariana Sorensen
We have a use case where tickets are filtered into Views based on tags that apply with certain fields. We still have all New tickets filter into our main View, but once the ticket is updated, then the tickets will filter into certain Views accordingly to keep our ticket queue clean. Some of these Views are for tickets that are longer term or in the future.
When a user creates a follow up ticket, they get filtered incorrectly into these Views that are more for organization than regularly checking. Especially, because our team is expecting every New ticket to come into the main queue. So, these tickets get missed sometimes because they are not supposed to filter into those Views until the ticket has been updated.
Really, any follow up ticket should come in as a fresh ticket with the link still at the top to the previous ticket. That, or we need a toggle on fields whether or not they move forward with follow-ups.