Provide a way to add deep or permanent links to specific comments in a Ticket
At our company we're really missing the functionality to directly link to a specific comment in a ticket.
We use solely Zendesk for communication with our customers. While working on complex issues a ticket can easily see 20-30 replies. When pulling in other people throughout our company using GitHub issues we link to the Zendesk ticket for reference, but we can't link directly to the relevant comment. This becomes a time-wasting nuisance for people who have to read through the entire ticket until they reach the part that's relevant for them.
It would be great if Zendesk could create linkable elements within a Ticket that allows people to jump to it directly.
A few examples that illustrate directly linkable responses/comments/post from around the internet:
* http://stackoverflow.com/a/27860061/183622
* https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/yGGEeqJvG0M/9s6HEnnDAQAJ
Quinn McHugh
Strong upvote!
We recently migrated from Jira Service Desk to Zendesk and not having this feature is a real pain.
Luke Murray
Chrome 90+ has a "link to highlighted text" feature.
To use it in Zendesk effectively for this:
Marco Valero
This feature would be awesome! in my organization I just mention the timestamp of the comment, but this is not good since we have people on very different timezones (US/EU)
Thomas Kinsey
7 years is right around the bend, and this pretty trivial to implement feature is still not available : (
Has any reason for not implementing this been given? Comments already have internal IDs, it seems very easy to just tack an anchor onto the comment. Are we driving demand for another product, or is there a real reason?
I'll include the permalink to this comment as an example of what we're looking for: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409222749210/comments/5630456485786