

Timestamp in chat transcript in UTC


The time stamp used in the chat transcript sent via e-mail is wrong when it's sent in to our Zendesk, causing a lot of confusion.

This is the reply i got from Zendesk helpdesk:

If you are referring to time stamp in the transcript sent via email, it is set to one time zone only which is in UTC +0 for all users. UTC +0 is the time zone where the server for emails are sent from. Apologies if this can't be changed as of the moment.


Can this please be fixed to use our own set timezone ?





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Rajat Garg

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone,

Apologies for the slow response on this thread but I wanted to update everyone on how we are thinking about this issue. 

As you might have noticed, we announced Chat in the Zendesk Agent Workspace a while ago. We are currently investigating how we can make the chat transcript timestamp more consistent when chat is used in the Agent Workspace. We'll get back with more updates when we complete the investigation. 

Thank you for your patience!



Yes timezone change in the email transcripts should be a configurable option.


It is very confusing when reading the chat transcripts.


Please add this as option it will be very nice for the customers and the users.


Hey ZD - this is causing some issues for us as well - can you please help me figure out how to change the time zones for all of our tickets/comments to central time zone.


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Ramin Shokrizadeh

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for the feedback Christina and Ivan. There is another thread on the same topic here: https://zopimsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/210661147-Chat-log-recorded-in-Zendesk-has-incorrect-Timezone

Currently, there is no option to change the timezone for the chat transcript added to the Zendesk ticket. I agree the inconsistency is not good and can be confusing to the end user/visitor. 

We are in the process of planning for 2017 and I will make sure this gets brought up. If/when we have something to share, you will be notified.




This is needed as it is confusing.


Any update on this? 


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Ramin Shokrizadeh

Zendesk Product Manager

Right now, we are hoping to tackle the required changes in the 2nd half of 2017 but not confirmed yet. I will update you all when we have a clearer idea on when the developers will look into this.



This would be extremely good for us. We have received some feedback on confusion for this. Seems like a small thing but it would be very helpful.


This needs to be done. Our time stamps for our location are out up to 11 or 13 hours depending on daylight saving settings.

Very confusing and seems like a very simple requirement.


When will this bug be fixed? This has caused a lot of confusion for us.


Agree!! Up Vote!! Please Fix This!!!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Amber - 

Please be sure to use the voting buttons on the original post to register your vote. 


Hi Nicole!

We are on 2019 and the problem remains the same...

Any solution soon?


Any updates on this?


This is a big issue for us, and causes significant confusion for our agents. What's the latest on getting a fix for this?


Is there any plans for changing this in the future?



Kindly need your help to fix the timezone issue, as it is very crucial and make our clients as well as our agents confused, is there any plan to update and solve this issue soon?




I find this very concerning especially as we are sending a copy of the transcript to our end users (customers), they know they spoke with us at a certain time and this could be confusing to them for the transcript to be in a different time zone. Why is this so difficult to set. We have the correct timezone settings in Support, Chat (dashboard), etc.


I have the same issue. Timezone is not showing as it should when emailing the transcript to a customer. I had several complaints in relation to this issue


spoke to them on chat and told to me raise it here so the product manager will look into it, which is ridiculous since there are similar posts from 5 years ago and the issue is still there. 


This needs to be fixed ASAP 


i want email chat transcript in UTC+5.30 (my timezone) , but receiving wrong time. its confusing to our team.

its my humble request update this to people timezone not by your server time.

& this already in dashboard, just update in email .....thats all.


set email transcript timezone according to user location OR user should have option select drop down list of timezone for getting email  transcript


This is really disappointing that this setting has not been changed. It has been raised 5 years ago! You have so many clients around the world and it should be customisable to the account's timezone.



still no update, very bad service, email transcript still showing UTC+00.





It is confusing to our agents, would be very helpful to have this on the roadmap.


Thank you


please update email timezone , wrong development by your development team. i think they forgot to set email by customer timezone. remind them.


Is there any update on this topic?


I came across the same problem, in contact with the Zendesk chat, and the agent sent me links to discussions that took place in 2018, we are in 2021 and so far no official answer, this is said to be the best tool on the market, leaving your customers with no return on a problem to YEARS.


We just started using Chat and the first thing we noticed was the annoying UTC timestamps. I come here to find out how to change it and see it's been an outstanding issue since 2015!

We love Zendesk. This is a relatively straightforward fix, disappointing that it's 6 years on and no action. Anyhow, giving it an upvote. Hopefully not in vain.


I have the same problem unfortunately. It doesn't help us to analyze chat scripts ;-(



