

Ability to merge organizations



We absolutely need the ability to merge organizations much like you would merge users or tickets. It is not uncommon for one of our customers to acquire another customer or for a company with two different business units that had separate purchases to ask us to merge their accounts and manage as one unit. Zendesk does not seem to offer the ability to merge at this level.

One possible (but ugly workaround) is to re-link all users from the disintegrating organization to the surviving organization and then either "delete" or somehow mark inactive the account that is being consumed. Zendesk should provide this capability with the full understanding that all activity and history is merged and only one account will survive at the end.




ok then. waiting with anticipation.
Thank you for the update..








I love how this request is nearly 2 years old and Zendesk still hasn't done anything about it. Worse than that, this is a completely logical request and one which should have been implemented in the design when the others were being done.


Not just a +1, but we have Organizations who view their company's tickets when they sign in to our support account. With users split between organizations, the ticket histories they're viewing online are incomplete. Updating dozens of users individually just for this is extremely inconvenient.




I'd +1 as well, but I'm on several of these threads, and likewise see how only have requests languished for sometimes years, often is also months or years since a Zendesk person has offered any update.



@Brian I noticed that Jake (Product Manager) had a pretty reasonable response back in August.

That said, with so much interest in this idea - something that would seemingly impact larger accounts more than smaller accounts - it makes me wonder how many votes are required to move an idea up the work list.  Of the dozen or so threads I follow, this is definitely one of the most requested ideas.


I'd like to know more about how votes impact product roadmap as well.

As for the comment, I didn't find it reasonable to say hear them say "this isn't where it should be", then "we don't have resources working on it".  

If you look at the things they do release, it is window dressing.  Stuff that looks nice on the features page for their website.  But these areas I'd call fundamentals, which impact current customers, just don't seem to get any attention.



You are right.  This request has been there for 4 years and still not moved on.

We have other tickets logged but again ignored


+1.  Pretty please with sugar on top?




+1 To strengthen the article that one day perhaps the Zendesk will.


+1 come on Zendesk! 4 years and still nothing.....why has there been no update and why are we getting ignored!?!


+1 and if you can't tell us when you will add this functionality could you at least explain why not?


+1 Need to do this now.






@Zendesk, can you give us a update?


We need this functionality in order to prepare complete and meaningful metrics for departmental and company planning. We have used this product for many years and our customers have been bought, sold, merged, etc.  We need the ability to synchronize organizations in Zendesk the way their business names change.


We would like this. A lot got duplicated when we started our Salesforce sync. Zendesk can't help clean up the integration.


This functionality would assist us greatly as well.
for all of the pre mentioned reasons.


Really surprised this does not exist. Causing us some issues and there's no workaround.


I am new to my organization that utilizes ZenDesk for our client support. As the new director of client care, I am seeking to organize our utilization of ZenDesk. I inadvertently created a duplicate organization and by the time I realized it, several tickets had been logged against the new organization.  Reading this thread I realize:

  1. There is not a way for me to fix this.
  2. Many companies have been asking, explaining, begging, pleading, for four years for ZenDesk to add the organization merge capability.
  3. There is no indication that ZenDesk has begun work on this. 

Extremely disheartening to a newbee. I hope that ZenDesk can understand how much worse their customers feel who have been holding out for this capability for four years.

ZenDesk Product managers: Perhaps you can explain the priorities that are keeping this problem from being addressed.


I'm sorry to say, but it seems like they just don't care.
They are a big company now.
I'm waiting for this since 2011
I have an open support case as well which is going no where.
I find it hard to believe this will ever be done.


The only thing close to being able to merge organizations that I can tell is within Gooddata. Gooddata apparently determines the Organization via the email domains field on a Zendesk organization--we have been able to get our data right by editing this (however it still displays the same at time of close within Zendesk tickets)


Definitely good feature to have!




It would be good if Jake Holman or a colleague could provide a further update following on from his August 15 post on this topic please?


Any update from Zendesk?



