Restrict light agents from seeing tickets
While I realize that in some cases it would be nice to give light agents more latitude, it can also be helpful to be more restrictive. I'd like for my light agents to be able to see Explore dashboard data, but I have no way of turning off ALL ticket viewing rights. The least permission is for those in the agent's org.
Thank you.
Amie Brennan
Hey Mark,
You can limit light agents to only see tickets which are in their groups. Theres some steps in this guide here which you can follow to adjust the light agent settings - just make sure you follow the right steps depending on which Zendesk plan you're on, as they live in different spots depending on your plan level.
Hopefully this helps :)
Mark Wiles
Thank you, Amie Brennan - we were hoping to restrict them to no viewing of ANY tickets. Have a good day.
Josef Prandstetter
We would need this feature to be configured at least per brand.
In our scenario we have multiple customer facing brands for customers and partners per product family.
Additionally we have one brand in our Zendesk instance, which we use for our internal IT helpdesk.
Light Agents should have access to all brands, which handle our products.
But they should have only access to ticket in our IT helpdesk brand, if they are the requester.
Mark Wiles
Amie Brennan - for what it's worth, I did an experiment this morning that looks promising for our use case to allow a limited number of partners to access shared dashboards behind a login. I set my test user up as a Contributor, created a new group for those engaged in this project, and then shared the desired dashboard with this Contributor. I was especially glad to see that the Contributor could go to a direct URL (****.zendesk.com/explore) that prompts them to log in and lands them in Explore (without their having to navigate from Support over to Explore). This also appropriately restricts them to viewing only THEIR personal tickets if they happen to click over to Support.
I might run into issues after further testing, but this is encouraging.
Amie Brennan
Hey Team,
Great feedback here. :D
Mark Wiles,
That is certainly great to hear you're making some headway here. One thing I will note that is on Explore enterprise plan, you can share dashboards to people outside of Zendesk, without them actually requiring a login. It does obviously require the highest Explore plan to be able to access this feature. Just throwing it out there in case it might be a better option for you overall.
You can check out the info on this here: Sharing explore dashboard outside Zendesk
Josef Prandstetter
You've got a nice enhancement idea here. I too would love to see a bit more flexibility with the light agent role. In the interim though, it might be possible for you to do some custom coding on all of your OTHER hc's you don't want Light agents to submit tickets via as a request - custom code to prevent the submit a request option from showing up for light agents on those HC's.
Then you could leave the IT Helpdesk as normal so the light agents can still submit tickets from that HC as a requester. This would then still allow them backend access to ZD as a light agent to help with tickets across all brands.
Keep me posted on how you go. Always happy to help where I can. :)
Ben Wanless
Would it be possible to create a new Group such as "Guide Only" (guide/knowledge base/help center) and make sure no tickets are in this group. Then have this be the only Group for those light agents you want to restrict from seeing tickets.
Would this work?