Problems with iOS SDK
Problems with iOS SDK initialisation, Developers tries to add SDK to app, but we have following Issue - which set of pods you need to install. If I take what is in the instructions, I get "Cannot find 'Zendesk' in scope". If I add ZendeskCoreSDK, then it does not see such a method for initialization, as in the instruction Zendesk.initialize(withChannelKey..., it only shows the one for SupportSDK with appID, clientID and url
Installation like in documentation - https://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/zendesk-web-widget-sdks/sdks/ios/getting_started/
Greg Katechis
Hi Mikhail! It seems like you're trying to use the Support SDK with the Zendesk SDK documentation. I know that the naming conventions are confusing, so it's completely understandable! Could you clarify which SDK you are trying to use and if you still continue to have those issues once using the correct documentation?
ifiniti Support
We are trying to integrate Messaging SDK. Due to this instruction https://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/zendesk-web-widget-sdks/sdks/ios/getting_started/ we only need to install ZendeskSDKMessaging pod, but in that case we receive error "No such module 'ZendeskSDK' " on import ZendeskSDK. So we also adding ZendeskSDK pod. After that we receive error "Cannot find 'Zendesk' in scope" and "Cannot find 'DefaultMessagingFactory' in scope" on Zendesk.initialize function. If we are adding ZendeskCoreSDK to resolve that error we still didn't getting initialize function used in tutorial. It contains only initialize with appID, clientID and url and no initialize with channelID option as in instruction. So the question is, what is the right set of pods we need to install to make ZendeskSDKMessaging working?