Voicemail treatment and reporting
In past call center services we've used, the wait time reports also took into consideration how long the voicemail waited before getting a callback. So wait time reports were truly inclusive of live wait time and voicemail wait time to receive a callback. In addition the call center software treated a callback and voicemail as one in the same. So the caller could leave a callback/voicemail which would hold their place in the queue. So when an agent became available, the callback/voicemail was given to them to act on. In Zendesk it seems that a callback is just a phone number waiting in the queue, so when the agent becomes available, they don't know what the call is about so they cannot prepare. And a voicemail just becomes a ticket which now relies on agents to manually go and check on.
It would be great if ZD would provide the option for a callback and voicemail be one in the same and waiting in the queue. Then also wait time reports would be all inclusive. Thanks
Sean Chuang
Thank you for the feedback. We will provide your feedback to the Omnichannel Routing team so they can put it in their backlog.