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Multiple AND/OR conditions in Views, Triggers and Automations
2019년 5월 22일에 게시됨
Based on this post: Conditional view: fulfil A and B conditions OR fulfil C and D conditions. Is this possible?
We'd like to have the ability to combine multiple AND/OR conditions, adding extra layers of conditions to Views and business rules.
- (A and B) OR (C and D)
- (A or B) AND (C or D)
- (A and B and C) OR (D and E)
- (A or B or C) AND (D and E)
- Etc.
댓글 26개
Bailey Whitaker-Lea
Hi Everyone -
New PM for Triggers & Automations here, catching up on the requests in the Community. It has been great to see all the feedback from you!
I certainly understand your frustrations around needing more flexible logic to build your triggers. We are actively working towards improving this area and I'm hoping to be able to share an update on an enhanced condition builder once we finalize our planning.
Jonathan March
Hi Pedro,
I agree that would be useful. As a workaround in the meantime, you could create several triggers (or if you want to include pre-existing tickets, automations) which check for these conditions and set a tag when a condition was satisfied. Then your view can check for the tag.
A big downside of such automations, of course, is that when they ran, they would change the "last update" field, making that essentially useless for normal purposes. Also they could not be used on closed tickets.
Louise Dissing
+1 This would be so awesome to have!
Thomas Garcia
Hi Pedro!
Contrary to what Nicole told you there: Conditional view: fulfil A and B conditions OR fulfil C and D conditions. Is this possible?
There was indeed (at least) one feature request already opened: Conditions for triggers / automations / views should use boolean algebra basic operators = AND / OR
As you can see, unfortunately, they don't seem to give a damn 🙂
I upvoted your feature request. I really hope either of one will attract some attention.
Kind regards,
Pedro Rodrigues
Thanks for sharing, Thomas. I don't see Zendesk's posture regarding this as "doesn't seem to give a damn", though. Because the feature request can already be achieved natively (with multiple separate triggers), it's probably not that important in terms of the entire Zendesk customer base needs.
To each their own backlog and priority criteria :-)
Thomas Garcia
Hi Pedro!
TBH, the fact that the only people having seen/replied to these requests are Zendesk clients (I suppose "community moderator" are not from zendesk, are they?) just prove that point IMHO. But nevermind.
The need to use multiple separate triggers is precisely the consequence of (and pain point caused by) the way this functionality is designed.
> To each their own backlog and priority criteria :-)
Just like every other company :-)
If you decide to ask for feedbacks and you can't proceed them (even just to acknowledge them) there is something wrong IMHO
Have a nice day!
Pedro Rodrigues (opservator.com)
Hey Thomas! I'm not working for Zendesk, I actually joined the Zendesk Community Moderator Program quite recently. As a Zendesk user myself, I do understand and can relate whenever our preferred features aren't given the priority we believe it should be given.
I completely agree that maintaining multiple complex triggers is far from an ideal solution in more complex businesses. But one of the things I enjoy in this community is how we all try to help each other with workarounds whenever something we desperately need isn't easily available... and I believe the more and better constructive feedback we provide, the more chances we'll have of grabbing the Product team's attention.
I'd personally love to have this feature, so keep the suggestions coming :-)
A function like this is crucial.
Phil Holladay
This is exactly what I need. I'm surprised there aren't more comments. I don't want to mess with triggers. This seems pretty basic but I guess not? Any update on conditional views?
Joel Hellman
Probably one of the biggest frustrations for the administrator operating the Zendesk Support product.
I can often work around it by introducing increased complexity in my business rules and my views.
I don't need infinitely nested AND-ORs, but a single level (e.g. to AND-OR groups or a custom field value) would make it much easier for me to administrate Zendesk Support.
Jiri Kanicky
It is surprising that this tool is not able to use AND or OR conditions for any field. The way how everything is hard coded in Zendesk is amazing. Terrible design.
For example I cannot create Automation for:
Ticket: Hours since last SLA breach = 4 OR Ticket: Hours since last SLA breach = 8
Absolute basics are extremely difficult in Zendesk.
Phil Holladay
Any update on this? This is a huge pain point for us and is causing extra work and problems. As we grow, the views get more and more complicated. This is starting to turn into a showstopper for us.
Does anyone know if Zendesk responds to tickets?
PLEASE add this! I spend hours of my day in the "Tickets must meet all of these conditions to appear in the view" excluding groups, and other form options if I merely want to have only A+B show in the view or apply to the trigger. It makes it extremely unorganized and easy to make mistakes especially as your groups/fields grow.
Phil Holladay
Thanks for the reminder Danielle. Zendesk. Any update? Where are you? It's pretty embarassing that you don't comment for over TWO years! I wonder what I'm paying for every month and why even have these boards if you don't respond?
Champ Yarbrough
I would love this feature as well.
it is normal behavior for developers to not respond to most client comments or requests or bug reports. this includes Microsoft as well as tiny 2-person developer teams.
Fully supportive, friendly developer Teams are very rare.
just so you know "why" Zendesk do what they do.
Phil Holladay
Ash I kinda see your point. But there are other threads where they have replied. I know Salesforce has struggled with this for years but have been slowly getting better. I think it's about managing expectations. Put a note in here saying, write what you want but we reserve the right to read-only and not respond. At least that would be honest even if I didn't like it.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Phil,
We do state in our product feedback guidelines (pinned at the top of every product feedback topic in the community) as well as in the Community Code of Conduct that our teams do read all of the posts and comments in the community, but cannot respond to everything just due to the sheer volume of comments we receive. (But we love how engaged everyone is!)
We recognize that responsiveness has been problematic in this space for a long time. To help improve on that experience, we have implemented some new processes and expectations with our product teams this year toward increasing engagement in the community, specifically related to product feedback.
But, the way that product feedback works within this community is not the kind of process where users suggest an idea and it's accepted or rejected in X period of time or responded to at X number of votes. It's meant to be an opportunity for users to discuss challenges or issues or make suggestions, and where product managers can get an understanding of user needs, themes around issues, and bring the information they gain here into the product roadmap and design conversations.
As far as the request in this thread goes, it's a great example of one where the product manager is reviewing all of the (many) threads and requests related to Views and looking for patterns, where one solution could solve for multiple needs, etc. So they may not be able to go in and comment on each individual idea whether that specific one is getting developed at a specific time, but rather as improvements are made to that area of the product you will likely see several of the issues raised in these forums get resolved over time.
I hope that clarifies things a bit, and I will reach out to the product manager to see if they do have anything to add here.
Phil Holladay
Thank you for the very thorough explanation. That really helps.
Jake Warren
+1, this would vastly improve the condition configuration experience and functionality!
I am going to have to echo those above. We are currently using just over 280 triggers on our zendesk account. I could cut that number down to under 150 if I could specify groups of activation. Currently I have to have a separate trigger for each group of conditionals.
Those triggers all add the same tag to the ticket, which activates a different trigger which does what we need to the ticket and then removes the activation tag. All of those triggers could be condensed into a single trigger if I could group the conditionals.
Marta Perez
Hello Bailey Whitaker-Lea,
I was wondering if you have any updated on this topic.
Bailey Whitaker-Lea
Hi Marta Perez we are still considering this a top priority, but we don't have any updates to share at the moment. We are still scoping out what is possible against other priorities.
In the meantime, I do have a survey up looking for detailed use cases on some of the things we are considering for triggers if you're willing to participate that would be greatly appreciated!
+1 This functionality is essential and missing in the base product.
Sydney Neubauer
+1 We have lots of duplicate triggers because it needed many any conditions.
Ie. it fires for this group with any of these phrases but also this group and this group (if we need to adjust the phrases, it will need to be adjusted more than 1 time)
Steve Treglown
+1 here as well. I have just had to create 4 automation tasks to handle 1 thing that I wanted to achieve.