Attachments on Organizations

2017년 4월 07일에 게시됨

It would be extremely valuable to allow attachments for Organizations.

For example, being able to attach a support contract to the Organization record, since the terms and SLAs can vary by organization.

We make extensive use of custom fields for Organizations (I think we have about 40 fields currently), but we would really like to be able to have a file repository, rather than having to have a separate correlated location (file share, SharePoint,, etc). While an organizational structure (hierarchical folders?) within it would be ideal, even just a flat list of files sorted by filename or upload date would be sufficient! :)

Thanks for considering this! :)



댓글 33개

+100. Ive been asking for this for a long time. Need to be able to attach pics of floor plans etc. 




+1.  We have the same use case.  Having the ability to attach customer specific files such as license files/agreements would be a huge help!

A directory structure would certainly be ideal, but even a flat list would be a help.


I know this thread has died down a bit, but I up vote this feature as well.


+1 from me!


+1 like others above, we have the need to store license keys for each org. 


+1 for me. Need to be able to add attachments to Organizations.


Need to be able to attach contract details to Organizations.  Attaching the license key would also be beneficial to our support staff.


We have a need to attach logos to our orgs, please consider.


Extremely needed !! 


Regarding License Keys and connections, We use a program Royal TS

Wery nice program...



+1 for me. definitely must feature.


+1 Definitely need to be able to attach contracts to the org


This would be very beneficial! ETA on delivery?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Benjamin, the product team has not committed to adding attachments at the organization level at this time. 


Absolutely need this!  We have so much stuff jammed into the Notes section of our Organizations.  We are a software company. We keep client's software versions in there, what modifications they may have, how we remotely connect to their system, logins and passwords.  It's difficult to weed through it all. 

 We could definitely also use it for licenses.  Actually, I'm kind of surprised Zendesk doesn't have this already.


+1 for the feature to be able to integrate with


+1, this would make a huge improvement!


+1 would be a great feature


@... How are requests evaluated and customers updated on acceptance?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Ashandra, 

The product teams meet on a quarterly basis to plan the development roadmap for the following 9 months. During this quarterly planning time, they take into consideration requests like this one from the community, insights collected by our Voice of the Customer and other research teams, they look at long-term company goals, market trends, and a handful of other factors. 

Once they have determined what issues are most significantly impacting users or where we most need to develop something new, they look at what resources (how much time, how many engineers, etc.) will be required to develop each solution. 

Then they go through an intensive prioritization process, and ultimately determine which solutions they can work on and what they expect to be able to deliver in a given 9-month cycle. Whenever what lands on the roadmap is related to ideas and requests users have shared in the community, they come back and update those conversations. 

Sometimes requests posted here can linger open for an extended period of time because, while the idea presented is a good one and something the product team wants to do, it may not get prioritized for several cycles. This can happen because there are other things that are higher priority or have a bigger impact for more users, because there's other work that must be done first as a foundational step, or even though it's a good idea it might take a ton of resources, and we have to decide if that item is worth not delivering on any of the other items for that period of time. 

I hope that helps, but let me know if you have additional questions. 


Second this! Would really help us.



+1 Has this enhancement ever been added? If not, will this ever be implemented?

Seems like a no-brainer to be able to create some sort of dedicated depository to maintain documentation that pertains to specific clients. Any feedback?


Totally need this! We have such a lot of stuff stuck into the Notes segment of our Organizations. We are a product organization. We keep client's product forms in there, what changes they might have, how we remotely interface with their framework, logins and passwords. It's challenging to filter out everything.

 We could likewise involve it for licenses. In reality, I'm somewhat astonished Zendesk doesn't have this as of now.


Can you please review this request it is really needed? The team is now looking at moving to Salesforce :(


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Chika Chima

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Erik Bailey Carly Adams and for those who are interested.

Would you be up for having a meeting with me to discuss your use cases and what workflow you have in mind?



Yes sure.


Certainly! I would probably have another member of our organization attend in my place, but overall we are still very interested in this capability, as it would drastically reduce the number of fields we need on the left-hand pane of an Organization record.


Hi Chika Chima,

We also need following solution


I totally agree with Erick we need this that would be helpful for us.


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