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Resolved: Change sender address when creating a NEW ticket on behalf of the requester

2015년 5월 22일에 게시됨

When we create tickets on behalf of our customers, as per this article https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203690946-Creating-a-ticket-on-behalf-of-the-requester, we need a way to change which email address we send the ticket from. Currently, it uses the default support address, but we would like the flexibility to change to one of the non-default addresses that are configured on the email channel.

Note this was resolved with the release of the Zendesk-made app "Select an Address" Available here: https://www.zendesk.com/marketplace/apps/support/46799/select-an-address



댓글 38개


We use a Zendesks app called "Select an adress". There is a free option and one that cost per month that inlcludes a few more features. We use the free version and it works fine.


Via the app you may choose what address you send from, when you create a new ticket.  

That is our solution at the moment. :) 


+1 to being able to configure this based on the agent's group.


Furthermore one!

When incorporating with Web Widget it is a lot of significant that the ticket answers pass by the right email. Presently we have activities in various topographical zones with a particular email for each geo. In spite of the fact that we can course it effectively to the right gathering by the url the answers to these tickets go through the overall email address. As said before it is possible that we: 1) have a default email address for every gathering or 2) we add a condition to the trigger which is: assuming gathering X, answer from email Y.

It is a lot of significant!


Hi Support. 

This is a MOST have for us. 


It's surprising that this was not implemented yet..... 


I am used to Zendesk reacting to lively posts like these. Why are they ignoring this one? We would also welcome the possibility to change our From: address for tickets.


As the OP, this issue was resolved when we installed the Send as Address app in December 2015. That app "Select an Address" is available here:


This is a reasonable solution, and Zendesk should have marked this issue resolved back then. Good on them for fixing it in the same year it was reported.

Since they let us edit the articles we post, I have updated the subject and description to include the resolved status and solution info.


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Gaillen, thank you for checking in here and being on top of responding to other community members. You are correct, we should had updated this thread with the release of this app. Thank you all for engaging here.
At this time we are going to close this post for comment. If you are interested in learning more about the future of Zendesk products, please visit the  What’s New page which is updated on a monthly basis.
We value your feedback and business, and we look forward to our continued partnership. 


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