Admin tool request: List of suspended users


2013년 11월 18일에 게시됨

I would like a way to look up all user accounts that are suspended. 

Sometimes when using the forum moderation tool, a false positive slips through the cracks and a few users get suspended. If there was a way to run a report for all suspended users that included the number of tickets/posts/comments etc they had, that would be a pretty good way to see if any legitimate users were incorrectly suspended and give us the chance to restore their account.

It would also be really helpful if there was a full activity log for user accounts. Similar to how in a support ticket we can see every single modification that was made to the ticket, it would be nice to have something similar for user accounts so that we could see how a user account was suspended and by whom.



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Pratishtha Nahata

Zendesk Product Manager

[UPDATED: July 11, 2022]

We're pleased to announce that you can now view your list of suspended end users & agents in the following locations - 

For the list of suspended end users:

  • Support > Customers page > In the search box enter 'is_suspended:true'

For the list of suspended end users, if you have Customer Lists add-on enabled:

  • Support > Customer Lists > All customers > In the search box enter 'is_suspended:true'

This feature has been enabled for the new Team Members page as well.

For the list of suspended agents:

  • Admin Centre > People > Team Members > 'Go to new team members page' > In the search box enter 'is_suspended:true'

For more ways to use search on the Customers, Organizations & Team Member pages, please look at our search reference document.

[October 11, 2021]

Thank you all for sharing your feedback with us.
At the moment, we are focused on scaling 'lists' to support large volumes of data and enable filtering on object data. While this is a feature we definitely would like to look into, it is not a part of our current committed roadmap yet.
One question I'd like to get your input on is - is this functionality you would like to see primarily for Staff Members or End users?
Any additional details, current workarounds that you could provide us with, would also be great.

To quote @...'s comment, there is a way to find suspended users today:

  • Go to Admin>Manage>People.
  • On the right hand pane, there is a 'Bulk Management' widget. Select 'bulk end user delete'.
  • A list of users is shown and includes a sortable column headed 'suspended'.
  • Click the suspended column header until suspended users appear at the top.

One other question we'd like to ask - Is this level of functionality sufficient, and are there other must have capabilities that would you like to see?

If you're happy to speak to us, please let me know, and we'll reach out to you.
Thank you for your patience, and looking forward to hearing from you.


Any updates on this request? We'd also have use for the suggested features.


I support this feature request.


I think it's pretty important as currently there is no way for agents/administrators to find out when a user is suspended other than by chance of finding the user in the list of 'people'. We have close to over 2000 end users in our system we cannot manage suspended accounts this way. The only other way we can find out is when a customer calls us to complain their support issues aren't being responded too.

I think it would be ideal if there was a way for triggers to be set up to sent notifications of when a user is suspended.

We had an issue yesterday where an end-user was suspended that was critical to our day to day support of our customers and it was only once we saw a suspended ticket view that we found out that they had been marked as spam and the user suspended.




we'd also Review suspended users on a weekly Basis just be sure that nobody of our consumers fall under the cracks...

Is gooddata able to Report on suspended users ?




+1 to being able to review suspended users.

I'd also add that there should be a way of tracking the use of the Mark as Spam feature. Giving agents the ability to delete a ticket without any trace is very worrying. I agree with spam tickets being taken out of workflow, but deletion creates a potential fraud loop hole.


By accident we set a bunch of users as suspended through the API. Now we are unable to identify which are suspended or not. Is there any way to do this?


Agreed, this would be a very useful tool.







+1 We would like this feature. Some agents have marked few tickets as suspended and due to which we lost some important emails. I had go to go through Audit to find a user that was suspended in May!

So yes this tool is very much wanted. Looking forward to this zendesk.


+1 for this as well.

I'm really shocked and dismayed that ZenDesk hasn't bothered to comment on this item. Does anyone else find it odd that a service which helps companies handle comments, complaints and requests from its customers actually ignores its own customers??







+1 This would be super helpful. 


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

+1 -- we would be so happy if we had more transparency and audit trail into who/what was done to a user profile.  The current audit log for enterprise is a great start, but it's limited.  We'd definitely appreciate opening up more info.  And i like the idea of it being close to the "show all events" button on tickets.  But as i've stated on other feature requests, please give admins the ability to grant this in permissions to agents through roles.  


We really need this feature as well.  We are trying to sync data between our systems, and it is becoming very difficult when there are many aspects between them that we cannot compare.


+1 from me as well.


+1 This is absolutely needed.


+1 to this.


I have Salesforce controlling my user base and it should be the main system getting updates on Contacts data, including activation/suspension to Zendesk. However, sometimes our agents get creative and suspend them in Zendesk directly, so data gets inconsistent between the two systems.

I have a bunch of scripts that run periodically and I wanted to created a new one that gets the list of suspended users in Zendesk and updates their records in Salesforce for data consistency. But apparently there is no way to get this list through the REST API other than getting the whole list of users and filtering them afterwards, which is a costly operation for periodic scripts.

Having a way to already obtain that list through an API call would be great.


I am astonished that this request was opened in 2014 and has not been made a feature. This is such a simple feature to add.


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ZZ Graeme Carmichael

Community Moderator

I am not sure when this appeared, but I have found a way of listing suspended end users.

  • Go to Admin>Manage>People.
  • On the right hand pane, there is a 'Bulk Management' widget. Select 'bulk end user delete'.
  • A list of users is shown and includes a sortable column headed 'suspended'.
  • Click the suspended column header until suspended users appear at the top.




If Zendesk would share the query they run internally to get that information to surface to the Agent interface perhaps we could run an API query for just suspended users. I'm not finding anything in the documentation that shows it as a searchable attribute.



api/v2/search.json?query=suspended:true -- gave me a keyword 


I've opened a ticket about this.


Hi Kyle,

I've tried a few queries to obtain the suspended list and couldn't make it work. I have also opened a ticket, tried a few suggestions (like those you listed) and no success. The answer they gave me in the end was:

"I would recommend getting a full list of users using the UsersAPI endpoint, and then using a script to parse the users down to only those who have suspended:true."

So, if nothing has changed since then (that answer was from March 20th, 2016), I think that is the only way for now.

Kind regards.



Would love to have this feature too, we used to have it in the old Web version



Would love this feature as well


+1 This impacts our ability to service our customers. 


+1 - really need ways to make this information more accessible to admins/agents


+1 - we need some solution to this and it's surprising that this isn't available already, not even through the Search API


We would like this feature as well.


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