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Add end-user as CC via Trigger or Automation

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2009년 10월 22일에 게시됨

Desired functionality: a way to automatically add a CC to tickets that match a certain condition.

Example: Trigger if Organization is "Acme Co" and Priority is more than Normal, then "Add CC" - specifying an end-user email address.  This would allow the organization's primary contact stay in the loop about what their employees have requested.

Workaround: use a notify target "email" type to send emails to the person who needs to be CC'd.



댓글 518개

Hello Zendesk team,

This has not been updated since 2018, is there new progress for this feature.



Is there any update on if/when the feature of being able to add an end user as a CC is happening?


I was really hoping to be able to CC non-agents (e.g., people who just need to be kept abreast of what is going on, but don't need to participate on an agent level).  Any chance this will get extended to non-agents?  I'm currently having to notify email targets, but that's more trouble to maintain.



As another workaround suggestion, You can use the targets to add the CCs to the ticket instead of having to maintain the multiple targets for simply emailing.

That is what we do at my organization. The only downside to this is that when adding the end-users as CCs to the ticket there is no notification sent out. This simply makes sure that all future notifications will be sent to them as they are now CCs on the ticket.


There's a workaround, using Dynamic Content, to get the CC to be added so they receive the first update.




Thank you. I will definitely be looking into that.


After looking at the link you provided, I only see the liquid code for looking up the CCs on the ticket. 

I may be misunderstanding, but what I was getting at in my response was that when adding CCs to a ticket using an extension, that they are not sent an email. They are simply added to the CCs on the ticket and thus will start receiving any future emails.


I was really hoping to be able to CC non-agents (e.g., people who just need to be kept abreast of what is going on, but don't need to participate on an agent level).  Any chance this will get extended to non-agents?  I'm currently having to notify email targets, but that's more trouble to maintain.



This post is from October 2009 and nothing has happened.

The chances of this getting done is just below zero, so don't hope 2 much.



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Devan La Spisa

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey @...,

Glad you were able to find a solution! 

Best regards. 


Hi @...

Actually, it was not easy at all to find the correct answer among all responses to this issue. I had to read and test everything until I found John's solution. 

My feedback - it will be really useful if there would be an option to jump his answer to the top of the list, or somehow mark it as a working solution. 





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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for that feedback, Yaniv. That kind of functionality isn't native to the Gather platform, though it is a customization we've asked our team to look into as a part of our upcoming work on this community.


Hi! Looks like this was in beta over 10 years ago - do we know why it didn't go forward?

Looks like a lot of customers are interested and the workarounds are very "hacky".




Zendesk are never going to do this. It's best to bite the bullet and pay $5 for the app below:


More info is available in previous pages in this thread, but it basically does the job for a one-off payment.


Thanks @..., I must say I didn't go through all the pages. Quite happy to spend $5 on making the life of even one key customer easier.

Sounds like this app requires to manually set up the 'create target' feature so not sure what it does that the manual work doesn't do?



FYI - Got in touch with the developer of the Carbon Copier app and they had to take it down as ZenDesk is deprecating the http targets required for the app to work. So that's one option less for us. 


I would also very much like to see this feature -- very odd that there's no updates since 2018 with almost 500 votes. 



I typed out this whole post before realizing a target version existed. Either way, maybe this post will help as we transition to webhooks. Very similar approach. 

We manage new hire tracking via ticket. The submitter is not always the staff member's manager so we have custom fields for the submitter to add the manager's name and email, which we leverage to add them as a CC in the below trigger. But you could update your script to target specific addresses and names instead of custom field values.

Use your existing Zendesk API Token or get a new one in the admin center > Apps and Integrations > Zendesk API > Add API Token. 

Make the webhook via admin center > Apps and Integrations > Webhooks > Actions > Create Webhook.

URL - https://companydomain.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/{{ticket.id}}.json

Method - PUT

Request Format - JSON

Basic authentication | User name - adminemailaddress@email.com/token | Password - the API token. 

In the trigger, the action is to notify active webhook. Jason body is below if you want to use custom fields. 

"ticket": {
"email_ccs": [
{ "user_email": "{{ticket.ticket_field_190000074878}}", "user_name": "{{ticket.ticket_field_36004410337}}", " action": "put"}

Hope this helps. 


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Stephen Belleau

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Tyler Rutledge great post!

For anyone who hasn't yet set up enhanced CCs/followers, you can still achieve the same, but you have to use the update_many endpoint instead:


and for this endpoint, the json object for CCs is slightly different. This is assuming your custom ticket field 12345 contains an email address you want to CC.

{ "ticket": 
"additional_collaborators": ["{{ticket.ticket_field_12345}}","email@address.com"]


It is very unclear how to implement this feature in the current version of Zendesk. Dear Zendesk mods, could you please add a link to instructions on how to automatically add CCs to a ticket based on some rules like ticket assignee e-mail?


Matthias Miltenberger,

Zendesk are never going to do this. It's best to bite the bullet and pay $5 for the app below:


More info is available in previous pages in this thread, but it basically does the job for a one-off payment.


Stuart Buddrige Matthias Miltenberger

Unfortunately, last year I had removed the app from the marketplace as Zendesk is deprecating http targets which are used by the app to function and I don’t currently have the bandwidth to update it. Also, the process (even if updated) was kind of awkward and could cause a fair amount of unintended consequences for Zendesk instances without the standard trigger setup. I've updated that site with this note as well in case anyone else stumbles across it. 

It was my hope to get things working with webhooks but there really wasn't a way to do it without having a server processing customer data. 


Hi Avi Warner

Our targets have been moved from http targets to webhooks, but as far as I can see the cc functionality is still working as it did before. 

Appreciated your comment and update though - thanks!


We figured out a way to add CCs to a ticket based on conditions defined in a trigger. First, you need to set up a webhook with the endpoint


as JSON/PUT request.

Then, you can define a trigger with your conditions that calls the webhook ("Update active webhook") and sends the following JSON data:

  "ticket": {
    "email_ccs": [
    { "user_id": "123456789", "action": "put" },
    { "user_id": "987654321", "action": "put" }

You can use the Zendesk API to query the appropriate user IDs.

You may also configure another webhook to put a comment into the ticket notifying your agents about the change:

  "ticket": {
    "comment": {
    "body": "new CCs added",
      "public": false



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Matthias Miltenberger thanks so much for taking the time to share this with everyone! This would actually make a great user tip under our Tips from users - Zendesk Suite topic to help provide a little more visibility :) 

If you have the time, would you be willing to cross-post this under that topic for some sweet Zendesk swag? 

Thanks again and keep up the awesome work!


Hey Brett!

The solution is already here in this post. Everyone looking for how to add CCs to a ticket automatically will be able to find this.

Maybe you can turn this into a proper guide article instead? Maybe here: CCs and followers resources – Zendesk help or here: Support – Zendesk help

Feel free to copy my solution.

EDIT: I couldn't resist the temptation of Zendesk swag, so I copied my answer to the user tips section: Tip: Use Webhooks and triggers to add CCs to a ticket – Zendesk help



+ 1. We have more and more situations where multiple customers have an overarching entity that needs to be involved in all communications as they are the decision makers


@... please PLEASE pick this up. For our team (and it sounds like a lot of other companies) this is a need vs a want, and makes achieving SLAs difficult. 

Thank you!


I've come to unfollow this post as I've now moved to Atlassian's Jira. It's simply magnificent.



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Bailey Whitaker-Lea

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Nicole, this functionality request actually lives with our Email team. I've made them aware of this thread and the feedback has been captured. I'm sure they will chime in here soon! 


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