Round Robin assignment


2009년 5월 28일에 게시됨

It would be nice to be able to setup an Automation or a Trigger that \*automatically\* assigned new / unassigned / or tickets in a praticular group to an agent using a Round Robin algorithm.  We currently use an APEX app in SalesForce that does this.  I am using the Zendesk suggestion of a "First Line" group where an agent can then assign those tickets to another agent.  \*But\*, our other help desk operators are greatly suspicious of any human that tragically chooses to play that "assigner" role and inevitably plot their demise. If this type of automation is possible using the exiting features, please do share.  :-)



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Brett Bowser Thanks so much for sending that my way, looks like we aren't a best fit for the EAP since we haven't switched over to Agent Workspace. I will talk to my team about the lift and capacity we have to switch over. 


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

That sounds great Jessica :) Let us know if there's anything else we can help with in the meantime!


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi, we are preparing for a General Release of our omnichannel routing engine in Q3. I will post here when we have an exact date



13 years after this thread was started, I really hope it's available by now. Been trying to find a best practice/recipe to solve this exact challenge in our account. Anyone here any updates? 

If no solution within Zendesk, is the Round Robin App still the best way to go? 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Yvonne P.

We have had an EAP running for the past few months, and the routing engine is going to be released in Q3 



Thirteen years is roughly two eons in Interweb years. ;-) Only Airtable has taken more than a decade to add the Split() function and that clock is still ticking to this day.

On August 8th, 2013 I crafted a solution for BetterCloud (Mike Stone). It was a round-robin assignment for Zendesk and BetterCloud loved it. I used Google Apps Script and it became widely used by many Zendesk admins when BetterCloud shared it openly here.

I'm amazed that no one has taken this to the level where AI and GPT-3 could take it now that so many more intelligent things are possible. Where's the innovation for a process that is so critical and needed by so many organizations?


Barry Neary any news on this? Haven't seen it in the last reease notes and we would be over the moon excited, as I am sure others will be as well, if we can implement this before September (Black Friday/and pre x-mas business). 

Look forward to an update from you. 

Kind regards, 


Thirteen years... lol, I wonder if op David Jacobson is still around? Probably retired


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi, we are beta releasing routing combined with unified agent status in mid August 2022


Was this functionality ever released? Other competitors have this functionality and if we are expected to pay for an additional service, I can't see why we should continue using Zendesk. Thirteen years is an absurd amount of time for a standard function for a support ticketing tool... 


Chris Gough Interesting thing is, Zendesk sells for CRM has a round-robin function


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi All, 

The plan is still to beta release omnichannel routing in August - stay tuned!



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Sara Ledger

Zendesk Luminary

Barry Neary - Will an announcement be made when the beta is ready so we can apply for the beta program?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi All, we now have beta released omnichannel routing. To qualify :

1. You must have agent workspace enabled

2. If you have a chat subscription, you must have messaging enabled and be 100% messaging, i.e. no chat traffic.

If you qualify, you should see an omnichannel routing section appear within your admin centre




So this is a joke right?

If I decide not to use your messaging platform and work with one of your preferred partner such as Ada using their chatbot I can't benefit from the omnichannel routing?

Seems a little short sighted that you're excluding customers that have chosen to work with your partners.


I second what Nathan Cassella said - this feels like a joke.

After all this time, and really good feedback from your customers on this valuable topic for almost all customer service teams out there, specifically those handling more than 10 mails /day, you really feel that this is an appropriate Update in this thread?

Barry Neary can you confirm wether or not this function is usable for an account like us, currently no chat set up (on Enterprise Plan though) and we need this only for ticket assignments. 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Yvonne P.: If you dont have any chat traffic, then you can use the omnichannel routing engine to assign support tickets. It should be on in your admin centre.



Any timeline on when this will be available to accounts who use Live Chat? Messaging is a complete no go due to the current lack of any kind of banning and inability to control translations. 


Barry Neary chat traffic and having messaging enabled are two different things.

Our chosen bot (ADA) requires code to be embedded into our guide header; to avoid conflicts, all other bots need to be disabled. Using this product was a substantial investment, recommended by one of your partner organizations, as Zendesk's chat features (including messaging) are too rudimentary to support our business needs.

I would like you to confirm that omnichannel routing can be used with third-party chat software that Zendesk advertises in their marketplace without needing to have messaging enabled.

If you can not confirm this, please have one of your engineers test it to verify.

If this will not work, your team needs to take this back to development and design a solution that works for all customers instead of requiring them to use a product/features (like messaging) that doesn't meet their business needs.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi CJ - no firm yet as to when/if this will be extended to accounts that use Live Chat.


Barry Neary That's really unfortunate to find out now that it's not even certain that this will ever be available for Live Chat, after being told for years, before Messaging was even a product, that we could expect this feature in the future. 

It would have been nice to mention that this was a limitation to the implementation that was being built sooner, as it's clear from the thread there's a lot of interest from people on accounts that do not use Messaging. Currently, Messaging lacks any features to protect agents from third party harassment, it's not like we're being stubborn and refusing change products for no reason, it's lacking a critical, required element to protect agents from repeated harassment. 

Should we be opening a new thread to request that this be a feature for accounts that use Live Chat? How can we as customers voice that we really would like Round Robin assignment available to accounts using Live Chat? 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi CJ, thanks for your feedback. Enabling routing for messaging and chat is something that is under consideration and certainly your views and the views of the others on this thread are being taken into account. I will hope to confirm soon what the decision is.



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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Nathan Cassella, the traffic from your chat bot that flows into zendesk is treated as chat traffic and hence cannot currently be routed by the omnichannel routing engine. However your strong view and the view of others is being considered in whether we should extend the routing engine to work with both chat and messaging channels. I will revert asap on this



Adding my two cents ...

The fact that Zendesk is making the routing engine only available to instances that are using Messaging is really disappointing. 

We started looking at Live Chat last year, only to find it didn't fit our needs and is probably going to be deprecated soon in favor of Messaging. So we tried Messaging, only to find out it lacks a number of features it'd need to even consider implementing it for our customers. After talking more with our customers, we found that they don't even WANT chat/messaging - so we have no need for it and wouldn't be implementing it anyway. 

Now, we're trying to solve the problem of having to take the time of Technical Support Engineers to route tickets this way or that, to one teammate or the other, or take the ticket themselves. This takes time away from the work they should be doing, which is working to resolve those tickets. We hoped that through use of the new routing engine we'd finally be able to Round-Robin assign tickets to team members, removing the hassle and time suck of needing to have someone always watching the queue and assigning out tickets. 

But ... it's only available to customers using Messaging. That is disappointing indeed. 

Hoping for a change!


I know this was planned for development late 2021 based on Nicole's update.  Do we have any updates on when this functionality might be released?  


Hi Jyl, you might want to take a look at this: About omnichannel routing with unified agent status


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi, as Dave mentioned above we have now released omnichannel routing! You must be on Agent Workspace and, if you have a chat subscription, be using Messaging rather than Live Chat.

If you fulfill these criteria, you should see the Omnichannel Routing configuration in your Admin Center.



Was this ever rolled out? 


@... Barry Neary Any updates on whether you will ever roll this out to accounts *not* using Messaging? 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi, Omnichannel Routing has been rolled out, but you must be on Agent Workspace and, if you have a chat subscription, be using Messaging rather than Live Chat.


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