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Automatic Refresh in Views
Publicado 27 de mai. de 2021
We would like to propose an automatic refresh in the Views.
Situation: New or updated requests (tickets) are received and is not being pushed automatically to the appropriate views.
Impact: Some of our teams have very time sensitive SLAs. Each team is different, but some have 15 minute response times or less and deal with a high volume of tickets. They are currently using a lead triage model instead of the play functionality. (Play has a refresh rate of 5 minutes from the documentation which is 33% of one of our current SLAs and could still cause different Support Agents to have tickets appearing in different orders in their views.)
Current workaround: A Support Agent needs to click on each of the views to manually refresh them. This workaround is not very efficient and adds extra stress for our Support Agents.
How we would solve the problem: Add auto-refreshing capabilities similar to gmail.
Thank you for considering our request to help not only our teams but many other Support Agents.
133 comentários
Salvador Vazquez
Andreas Prehn Christensen
It's a must have. we need it as well!
Arno (EMEA Partner)
We have similar situation with tight SLAs with specific customer(s), and we really need to views to auto refresh. Agents are following multiple windows for udpates and these are all autoupdating except Zendesk, and it is not a usable solution to go and refesh single window, but all should auto refresh.
Scott Allen-
This feature would be super beneficial! With the latest update to Zendesk the actual refresh after responding to a ticket doesn't work consistently. I physically have to click refresh on the browser to see my own reply I just sent. It's becoming very frustrating.
Hoping some auto-refresh can be added in the near future!
Mele Bryant
Yes to this!
Ibrahim Aqqad
adding my vote to this
Angelweb SAS
Hello, that would be really nice indeed.
Agreed. Our current workaround is a tab refresher extension for chrome (Tab Auto Refresh)
Zendesk should really take a look at this.
Eduard Martínez
+1 to this. Hope we get the auto refresh soon. It would be an amazing QOL improvement to Zendesk.
Timothy Foust
We also need this. Currently I have to have email notifications go out to the entire team everytime a new ticket comes in. Its clonky.
Jacob C.
Yes this! Seems like a basic out of the box function that other platforms have.
Customer Support
PLEASE ADD AUTO REFRESH! :) Thank you!! Needed for quicker SLA's.
John Polanek
This would be an amazing addition to the product. Please consider adding this.
Andrii Malafiichuk
adding my vote to this
Beth Terry
Yes, please! This would be very helpful. As others have stated, relying on email alerts or manually refreshing the browser are not reliable alternatives to having an auto-refresh feature similar to Gmail.
Nikita Chubii
upvoting this
Salvador Vazquez
We are currently looking into solving use cases similar to this and looking for the best way to get agents more real time updates on high priority tickets. This solution may or may not be in Views though. There is no estimated time for a solution to this at the moment.
Prem Shankar
It's a must have. We recently had a critical issue SLA breach and CEO level escalation due to this missing feature.
Customer Support
GUYS (Zendesk) Come on now! This is not a "feature request". IT'S A BUG!
But seriously, this is a bug. You are displaying information that is wrong. It is incredibly obvious that this is a bug.
Also, this is not something that technically/programmatically cannot be done. Refreshing the non-post-back (Ajax) data in a browser is not that complicated and is done in so many applications.
It's a bug. Please address this.
Sigh - yet another extremely basic feature missing in Zendesk - totally agreed this is actually a bug. How is it possible that literally every other support platform has this but it's just impossibly difficult for Zendesk to wrap its mind around?
For potential Zendesk users seeing this, here's the "missing" features we wish we were aware of before we made the decision to switch to Zendesk...sigh:
Stephen Belleau
mws I agree with you on this views topic and widget flexibility, but some of the other pain points you called out have potential solutions or workarounds.
I'm not sure if you meant for these two items to be related, but:
- re: archaic handling of CCs was frustrating for us until the updated CCs/Followers feature came out. Now the CC finally behaves like you expect traditional email CCs to.
- re: "between anyone can open a ticket, and only registered users can open a ticket" - are you thinking something like only VIPs can open a ticket? You could potentially do something like hide the contact form and only display it if the user is part of x org, or contains x tag. Or, hide the contact form and only link to it within an article that is only visible to x user segment. With a bit of dev work you can find some creative solutions!
This would be nice too, but a workaround is to use the Content Blocks feature that came out earlier in the year. You still have to create the article in more than one place, but at least this allows you to edit content once to reflect in multiple places.
Jeff Franchi
Given that I can't imagine anyone not wanting this, and given that it's completely doable, what is Zendesk's reasoning for not having it? At least explain to us why you're choosing not to add this? Because obviously it's a choice you're making.
It's a very basic feature. Surprised!!! Zendesk has not included this yet. Definitely need it.
Todd Dover
Zendesk needs to provide this with high priority. We should not have to look to Google Chrome to provide workarounds for your limitations. Come on Zendesk.
Kristin Arcurio
This feature is very much needed for my Support Agents as well.
Joe Baer
Yes autorefresh is essential functionality to make sure we are on top of our tickets. Please prioritize this.
Bell Chen
Yes to it.
Without auto refresh, our tickets SLA will breach suddenly and out of control.
+1 vote to this
Definitely need it. It's a very basic feature to be honest.
Jason Shepard
Almost a year later and still nothing?