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Show all records in the "Customer list" output if there are less than a certain number of results
Publicado 27 de jul. de 2021
Feature Request Summary:
In support it is possible to create "Customer lists" via the Customer lists functionality.
As our number of users is high (more than 20.000) it always returns the warning:
"Due to the large number of users in your account, we cannot show a sample of matching users. Export as CSV to see the entire list."
That is limiting this functionality (for us) to a CSV export functionality, because we can never trust that the data that is shown on screen is complete.
Although I understand that the limitation might be there to ensure performance of the system, I think this is missing the point of this functionality in Zendesk.
- People will draw the wrong conclusions out of this if they don't know that they always need to export the list to see the full results.
- When setting up a new customers list it is difficult to check out if you have already filtered on the correct values, as you constantly have to export it to analyze the results.
- In the title of the view there is an indication of number of records noted in the following way (~x). Where x is the number of results. Not sure if that is trying to represent the number of records showing on screen, at least it is not close enough to represent the actual total value. (See use case mentioned below)
- If the in screen result is empty, I still need to export the list to see if it is really empty.
Although it now says (0) behind the title, and not saying (~0) i"m not trusting that number anymore as it still gives me the warning that I need to export to see all data.
Use case (there are many but here is one example)
- Create a list of all our Zendesk Administrators by using the filter role = Administrators, it shows only 6 records on screen, behind the title of the view it says (~6).
In reality there are 11 users with that role.
So the (~6) is a bit far off for me to be added value.
In another list I will get more than 6 results (easily up to 100) so it is not that it limits the results to a fixed number of records.
Reason I like to use the customer list option is that I can add all kind of fields in the overview to do an analyses if all fields are setup correctly. I can't do that by using the actual Admin / People / Role overview.
Request would be to change it in the following way:
- Show all affected users in the overview if the list has a limited set of results (maybe set that to 100 lines)
- Show a better indication of the total number of results (not the number that you are showing on the screen but the actual number in the database) and put it on a more obvious place then behind the title of the view. Somewhere in or nearby the warning message would be appreciated.
Showing that full number of records would already show the need to export to csv or not.
4 comentários
Tom Dupuche
Hi @..., thanks for your feedback.
I’m the product manager working on staff/team management here at Zendesk.
What we are planning for admins, agents and all non end-users (the collective term we are using for this group is “Team members”) is to display them as a separate list within Admin Center. This would mean the limitation you’ve highlighted on an account with a large number of end-users (more than 20.000) would be removed for team members.
Within Admin Center you’ll be able to see all of the team members, filter and sort.
@... is the Zendesk product manager working on the customer/end-user list. Pari could you please comment on the future plans.
Let me know @... if you’d be interested in chatting further about your use-case so we can make sure our future plans meet your requirements.
Tom Dupuche
Senior Product Manager - Staff/team management
Pratishtha Nahata
Thanks @...!
Hi @..., thanks so much for sharing the feedback and I'm sorry to hear that there are challenges with using Customer Lists for the task you're hoping to use it for.
Your assumption is correct - this is a limitation for performance reasons at present, however, I'm also pleased to let you know that we're actively working on making this feature more scalable and able to handle larger volumes of user data in the near future. This would help view the actual rows of data on the screen, as well as showing a more accurate number of total items in the list.
I'm also keen to understand whether you are primarily using this feature to manage agents or end-users or both?
Thank you,
Angelique Paulus
Hi Pratishtha, to get back to your question. When I raised this it was initially related to agents (as that was my focus at that moment), but for sure I can imagine we will have similar needs in future relevant to end-users.
Pratishtha Nahata
@... thank you for confirming!