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[Closed for comments] Customization of the dashboard
Publicado 10 de dez. de 2012
In the new Zendesk Interface, the dashboard by default displays a "Tickets Requiring Your Attention" view. (I realize this is not a "view" in the Zendesk-defined sense) This way of looking at tickets is not customizable - the fields displayed cannot be altered, the column widths cannot be changed, and there's no way to "anchor" alternate views on the left side where the existing icons (for dashboard, reporting, settings, etc) reside. Those are features we consider vital in order for us to use the Lotus interface. The most glaring omission on the default dashboard is the absence of the ticket number. It would be great if Zendesk started by making that change, and then making the dashboard customizable so that it has real value to those users who need a different dataset than Zendesk has provided by default.
203 comentários
Amisha Sharma
Hey everyone,
Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us! My team is responsible for the agents home page and we're currently re-thinking this experience at the moment.
We don't have a timeline to share right now but we are actively reviewing your comments and use-cases on this thread.
We understand the need to be able to customize the dashboard: add your preferred column fields in the dashboard view, hide or minimize the view, remove certain fields from the dashboard and more.
We are listening and will make sure to include your use cases when we start making progress on this. Thanks!
We agree! We are used to the "home" screen (forum area) being completely useless anyhow, so most of us have a bookmark to a view that works for us, but the dashboard feels like it should at least have a view that the admin can edit. or point to (select) a default view at least.
Dex Randall
I agree. The dashboard show open tickets, but not whether the 'Updater' was agent/end user. This info is critical for me, as I use it to spot which tickets need attention. Currently the dashboard is useless to me and I always have to pick the 'All Unsolved Tickets' or 'My Unsolved Tickets' view, to which I have added the 'Updater' column.
I would welcome the chance to edit the dashboard 'view' even if only to change the columns.
Erica Walker
I agree as well. We don't use the 'home' dashboard because we can't configure it. When training an agent, it's unfortunate that we have to tell him/her to ignore the first screen because it doesn't show us what we need. The beautiful part of Zendesk is that it is configurable, and it seems so odd for one of the most viewed screens for agents to not be configurable, making it no longer useful nor helpful.
Terry Knox
It gets nary a glance from us, before we skip straight to the Views page. It'd be really nice if we could customise this.
Matt Picio
Is Zendesk looking at all at adding additional customizability to the dashboard? It's been over 6 months since I originally posted, and we're looking at finally making the transition permanent, but we'd really like to be able to define an initial sort order and other changes. It's great that Zendesk added the ticket number, but things like column widths still can't be changed.
Hi Matt
this is something we are thinking about to allow as a location for Zendesk Apps. However like I said it's still something we are "thinking about" we are not looking at doing it yet, it's still very early stage but we'd ideally like to allow a specific area on that dashboard to be allowed for Apps.
I'll keep this thread updated!
Monika Zameta
I would love to see the most recent comments made on forum posts in addition to ticket information in the dashboard as these also require our attention.
Nick Elvrum
This option would be great to see.
Ben Lucier
Maxime: I'm sort of disappointed by your update. :) For us, this isn't really one of those 'nice to haves' where it's ok to be a bit wishy washy, and ask for people to 'vote up' a 'feature'.
With the launch of the new interface, Zendesk has effectively told my staff to "Start Here"... and it's a place where I don't want them to be. (our primary views have different information displayed and are sorted by latest update, not oldest ticket).
Have you considered letting us tell Zendesk what the default view should be. It's disappointing the way this is setup because I'm *constantly* asking my reps to ignore that View/Queue/Whatever and use the primary View we have setup for them instead.
I'm a big fan of Zendesk, and I haven't said anything because I expected this to be 'fixed' by now. Please help.
Matt Picio
+1 to Ben's remarks. I reported this nearly 9 months ago, and it's been 2 months since we heard "we're thinking about it, but I'll keep this thread updated". Now that we're actually on the new interface, this lack of customization is becoming a real problem. At the VERY LEAST, we should be allowed to choose which view is displayed as the "default" screen. Given the large variation in use cases among Zendesk's user base, including the Enterprise customers, we'd strongly suggest that it's a feature Zendesk should prioritize.
Daniel Hall
+1 to Ben, Matt and Erica.
There is a problem when a large chunk of the userbase are totally ignoring the *dashboard* simply because they can't configure it.
Any customization of this "home" screen, any at all, would be gratefully received.
Ben Lucier
Maxime, et al: What's the best way to get more visibility on this? I've tried the forums, I've sent some emails, I've spoken with support. This is *not* one of those things that's killing our business, but I do think it's important enough to have some focus on. At this point, I'm starting to feel ignored. I'd like to keep working with you on this, but it would be helpful if somebody would pick up the other side of the conversation (please?).
Jo Buchanan
I would love to be able to see all my agents' good and bad survey results rather than just my own - please can you fix this Zendesk?
Jeffrey Noles
We have been consistently surprised at how difficult it is for a small company to use Zendesk despite it's claims to be "user friendly" and "intuitive". For example, a company with 1 or 2 agents who spend 95% of their day doing non-Zendesk tasks just wants to see everything from the "home" view. We don't have time to noodle around with "views" and look at everything in detail. For a big company, this makes sense--you want the worker bees only looking at their own home screen. But it's hard to imagine that small users can't even configure their own home screen--arguably the most important dashboard--when there are dozens of features already in place we'll never even use.
It's equally surprising that Zendesk isn't listening to a community moderator (see Ben's note above).
Daniel Hall
This needs attention.
Hey guys
Thanks for all the feedback and excitement around that Feature request!
We really are listening, as a matter of fact we are now looking at adding a "Dashboard" location in the Zendesk Apps framework. This would mean you could build your own private App or install a public App on the dashboard, meaning that most of the requests i've seen on this thread could be fulfilled through that option.
I don't have a fixed timeframe just yet, just a lot of cool ideas from talking to some of you, please keep them coming. I'd love to hear about precise use cases, such as what type of information you'd like displayed on the Dashboard that isn't here today, are we talking about a message from an Admin to the agent? Or more granular reporting or satisfaction metrics? or maybe just internal information/news?
As you know these things take time, and for obvious reasons I'm not in a position to give any dates on this thread. I'll however try to do a better job at keeping you guys posted over the next couple of weeks.
Jo Buchanan
Hi Maxime,
Thank you for your jolly message! So I think for an administrator having the ability to see all good and bad satisfaction metrics for each agent (rather than just your own) would be a good start.
Using the dashboard as detailed landing page would be good - so it could include all internal comments (if they are addressed to you)
It could include listings of your open tickets (ie those that have been updated by either a customer response or been assigned to you)
I am also campaigning for a second improvement for reporting by tag (this is one a different post so appreciate you may not wish to cover this on this thread) - I know this is an advanced option at present but really if you;re allowing basic users to add tags then you really should provide the associated metric tools to support this.
Looking forward to hearing about the improvements (whenever they may be)
Jeffrey Noles
Hi Maxime, thanks for your recent comment but it's hard not to think you're overshooting the mark. For small companies--and I've been told by your colleagues that there are thousands of us (although I'm skeptical)--we just want control over the homepage. We don't need all the fancy features you're discussing. We just want to customize what we see. I'm hoping you'll keep in mind smaller companies as you design the features. Since we don't make as much money for Zendesk as bigger companies I'm not sure what else I can say.
Michael Quinones
We have a lot of pending and on hold cases we work with, we instruct our agents to work on thier tickets from thier queue and they consistently work with every status. As we deal with travel we need to be aware of check in dates, city of service and name of hotel at all times. We cannot add these customized columns field to the dashboard view. I would love to see this feature added, it would be an immense help!
Amy Harkus
I agree would be great if there was a way clear down the 'Updates to your tickets view within the dashboard, or even acknowledging the updates so they no longer appear , Plus with the addition to be able to hide or minimize that view, At the moment its just not adjustable in anyway.
Mary Kay Soto
Once a ticket is solved we automatically send out a link to survey monkey using a trigger that we've built. So we are not capturing survey results. Since the Good, Bad will always stays zero, we'd really like to be able to remove this from the dashboard view. As others have mentioned, we'd really like to be able to manage what and how we see things on the Dashboard.
Rob Colver
Gaëlle Logeay
@Maxime any update to share? The dashboard is still not very useful for us. It would be much better if we could instead select one of the view. :)
Anne Griepenburg
Yes! I can't use the Dashboard because Pending cases are hidden and that is a large part of support is going through and following up with clients to confirm that issues are actually solved. I'm new to ZenDesk so don't have more feedback yet, but that is a glaring problem and I will recommend that new users not use the Dashboard until Pending tickets are able to be added as it is currently a misleading view.
Exposing this view for customisation along with the other views would probably solve most people\'s problems to be honest. Can I add my voice please. At the moment, the dashboard view is a waste of time for us. We need to be able to add / remove fields and change the sort order.
+1 This is highly needed...
Since we alrerady have different "views", why not just allow the user to select one of his/her views for the "main page" (you can use your current Dashboard view as default if you like, but please allow us to change it)?
That would most probably solve this bug / feature request for over 90% of the people, and it looks like you have everything already in place to do it (views work fine).
S Murray
As it is now, I find the dashboard to have little value for me. If I were to be able to use one of my own custom views instead, it would be something actually useful.
Ben Lucier
I have almost 100 agents using this as their default view, and I'm constantly reinforcing them to ignore that default dashboard view. You guys are killing me over here.
Xenia Chilkowich
I'm not sure why an app or even Admin needs to be involved. Something as simple as allowing an agent to change what tickets are displayed (e.g. I belong to multiple groups and only want to see these tickets) and favorite view links. Just the ability to add existing "entities" to this page would require little programming and cause no "damage"