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Customize Status Field Values


Publicado 21 de dez. de 2010

It would be great to be able to customize the status field drop down and specify which status values are considered closed (and open for that matter) Much like Salesforce's Status picklist where you can check which values are default and closed



152 comentários

I would like this feature as well.

I use ZenDesk for a legal department, and a "DORMANT" status type would be very helpful.


+1 On this feature. We would like the options for more transparency to our end users on the status of their ticket. We would like for the end user to at least see the same status as our internal agents. We rely on outside vendors to complete some customer tasks so the On Hold status in particular lets our agents know a vendor is on their way but the end user does not get this information and may sometimes interpret the open state to mean that no one is working to address their issue. 


+1 - we really see the benefit of this as well! Cant wait to see this implemented. 



I understand that a lot of the logic processes are based around this field, But this has been requested for such a long time that I would have liked to see it looked at sooner. Heres hoping it is available soon.

We want to be able to have an Escalated status (or several). This need has come from a client who wants more clarity around what is happening with the issue. This would be reportable and visible to the end-user through the portal. It's this last need that necessitates using a status.


Hello all

Whaoo ! A request open 10 years ago, 93 comments, and the answer I got when I open the same question is " it's technically a very heavy lift and therefore difficult to prioritize". Honestly 10 years ago other tools were already doing it; This is a major pain for our projects. See you in 10 years on thsi one again !

Thanks all contributors for pushing on this one.


I honestly can't believe this is still a thing we have to request, but here's my +1 to throw on the fire.


Executives who make the decision to keep the Zendesk product, as well as B2B executives who review our service levels, need high-level transparent data to help determine worth. These changes will make the product more valuable, competitive and user-friendly.

Configuration of Status "Pending" and "On-hold" need to be visible to end-users (clients)

Make client-facing statuses editable so we can decide what wording displays to them.

If it is transparent and shows Closed they know they need to create a new request as that one cannot be reopened.  

Also, changing New to Awaiting Agent engagement instead of Open and adding Outsourced for Awaiting Third Party.



This is still a very much wanted feature.

We have been using Zendesk as an internal ticket platform for years, but we are considering moving elsewhere once we start using Zendesk for our external support since this feature is yet to be implemented.


Hi, we have developed that free app that won't solve the issue but at least minimize the impact :

It add a custom fiields with sub status. 


i'm like... whaaat?

we've just moved from Happyfox to Zendesk because our It-service desk is expanding.
To our horror we find, that simple custom status settings aren't availeble??

Must say i'm quite dissapointed already ...  :-(

DEFINITLY an upvote for this ... and yes people have been asking for minimum 3 years for this...
politly said, get your fingers out and start programming ...



That's not how it works around here. The feature request has to be 10+ years old first. ;)


All joking aside I do not believe this is likely to be implemented any time soon.

Therefore, I have gone through the process of manually adjusting some of the current statuses to get an effective extra status or two. That is one of the User Tips and Tricks I am planning on writing up. I will post it here once I have finished it. 

I have separated the "Pending" Status into 2 effectively different statuses. The first is where the "Pending" Status repeatedly pokes the customer for a response and the second is where it matches the first but also closes the ticket if they do not respond after 7 days.

I have also separated the "Solved" Status. This allows us to set a status of solved but the ticket will reopen at a future date. 


I am providing a link to the User Tips I have written and the ones to come for those that would like to follow the post in the meantime.


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Gaurav Parbat

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Everyone,


I understand that customizing ticket statuses has been a long outstanding requirement. I can confirm that Zendesk has this feature scheduled in our product enhancement pipeline. This community thread has been very helpful and I would appreciate if we get more feedback on our proposed solution and its impact on other Zendesk features that we have built over the years. I will be sharing a research study sign up link soon for customers who would like to collaborate with us in building a solution. I will keep this community updated on our plan and progress.



Gaurav Parbat

Product Manager, Ticketing




Excited to see how this feature will be implemented.


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Gaurav Parbat

Zendesk Product Manager


---User Research Invitation--


Hello Everyone!


Custom Ticket Status has been a long outstanding request for Zendesk Customers. We would like to know how this would impact your Zendesk instance and understand your use cases while we build more flexibility into Zendesk.


If you would like to participate in our user research program, please sign up through the following request form. It should not take more than 5 minutes.


Hey all,

First off, I'd like to thank everyone here for your excellent feedback and exceptional patience regarding Custom Ticket Statuses. We hear you all and we really appreciate your passion for helping us continue to make Zendesk a better product. With that, I'm very excited to announce that we are officially kicking off the user research phase of Custom Ticket Statuses 🎉

We want to build the best product possible for you and to do that we need your help. If you're interested in using Custom Ticket Statuses at Zendesk, I would ask for five minutes of your time to fill in the Custom Ticket Status User Research survey 🙏 Looking forward to hearing from you!


Jacob Pandl

Engineering Lead | Ticketing


This feature would be very useful. We utilize a third party vendor for some issues. Through automations we are able to forward the request to them, but it causes confusion with our team when they receive a "Closed" reply. If the feature were available we would add something like "Forwarded" or something along those lines while having the internal value reflect "Closed." 


@Jacob  Any news on when will custom statuses become available?


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Gaurav Parbat

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi JJ,

We are currently working on this feature. The link is still open for feedback and I encourage all customers to share their use cases. Custom Statuses does impact a majority of the modules and features within Zendesk,  hence getting this solution right and into the hands of customers is taking time. I will share more updates about a Beta and GA timelines over the next three months.  We are working hard to get this out as quickly as we can. 

Gaurav Parbat



Our use case is rather simple but tied to a strict Requester Wait Time SLA. We need a custom status that would pause the SLA for the tickets waiting for a defect fix. I've tried various options nothing really viable because the requester wait time is really paused only by Pending.





@... We use the On-Hold status for that type of use case; here is how to enable it, if that would work for you.


@... thanks, unfortunately On-hold doesn't pause the Requester Wait Time, that would mean to use the Agent Work Time as resolution time SLA. We have various escalation points and wanted to use on-hold time to track that (support works = open/new vs others = on-hold) rather than customising metrics on field changes which is not very robust in Explore.


we need a new status called "in progress with Agent"


Hi All, 

Has there been any update to this product enhancement? We have customers also requesting the option as raised by Laura Runnels in a previous comment update in being able to select "Open" and "Awaiting your reply" at the same time OR have an additional status item that covers both conditions.




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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Randall, 

As Gaurav, the product manager, mentioned above, creating the ability for some custom statuses is currently being worked on. We'll be sure to provide an update once it is in beta or released. 


It would be extremely helpful for us to be able to distinguish between tickets that are Open (and being actively worked on by a technician) and tickets that are Open (and the last communication in the ticket was from the end-user eg. waiting on response). 

Without this, it is very difficult to see when an end-user asks a follow up question on a ticket that is in an open state.

Even something as simple as being able to just change the colour of the Open status icon from a red O to a green O or better yet, having the green O being the default colour when it's being worked on (instead of red for the traditional open state) and have the red O for when a customer responds to a ticket being worked on to let the technician know that they need to reply back to the end-user.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Michael - 

The recommended best practice is to use the "pending" status for tickets where the last communication was from an agent. That's the intention of that status. So, open = it's being worked on by an agent/technician, and pending = waiting for the end user to respond. 


Hi Nicole,

I am aware of this, but the issue is not that we can't change the status to pending, the issue is that if someone is working on a ticket (open) and then a customer responds to the ticket (stays in open state) and then the agent sends a response to the customer and puts the ticket in a pending state, they may not see the response from the customer that was sent while they were working on it.

In this case, it would be good to have a state where the agent is working on a ticket, which is different from a state where a customer has responded to a ticket and is pending an action from the agent.

Please le me know if you need more clarification on this.


Dear @...

Can you give us visibility on when this feature will be released?
Thank you!


Any updates on this?

It is incredibly frustrating to miss responses in tickets that are in an open state and get responded to by a customer and then stay in an open state.

We desperately need an additional status for tickets that are open but are waiting on a response from an agent.


Sorry, Andrea, I don't doubt that the Zendesk gang is incredible, but leaving a customer request 12 years without action (even though MANY use cases were given), then finally starting a "research phase" which lasts over a year now, and not providing ANY updates or first research results is NOT incredible. Or maybe incredibly non-customer-facing.

We simply need to get rid of the enforced "Ticket turns OPEN on Agent assignment" (we can't distinct an "Open, we were working on it and the customer needs more help" from an "Open, but nothing at all happened to this request yet". 

Of course there may be a million use cases that could be collected to produce the "perfect" status system. But allowing custom statuses, e. g. assigned to system statuses as @... did, would solved probably 80 % of the use cases, if not more, by maintaining all logics below (SLA metrics/targets, reporting, and so on).

The research on this could have started 2014 or 2016 or 2018 already but it didn't. This is why some of the reactions here, including mine, may sound a bit harsh. After all, we're only expressing our needs here, and Zendesk saying "We keep the system as it is, period" would maybe had been a smarter response...

Still hoping to see change here (or here) and wishing you all the best!


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