Add end-user as CC via Trigger or Automation
Não planejado
Publicado 22 de out. de 2009
Desired functionality: a way to automatically add a CC to tickets that match a certain condition.
Example: Trigger if Organization is "Acme Co" and Priority is more than Normal, then "Add CC" - specifying an end-user email address. This would allow the organization's primary contact stay in the loop about what their employees have requested.
Workaround: use a notify target "email" type to send emails to the person who needs to be CC'd.
518 comentários
Walter Villa
Infact, this problem is 'planned' from too much time... 2010!!!
When this feature will be developed?
Jeff Guyette
I've given up on ever hearing further on this requested feature.
Nearly 200 customers indicated they would like to see this. The feature and thread grows for nearly 5 years... and still nothing further.
Any kind of update at all - even something saying that you've changed your mind, and the feature is now no longer being considered as a future feature....even that would be better than not responding.
So...? Any update guys?
Glenn Jones
I have submitted a ticket for this and have received the following comment back from Support:
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Carly Deibler (Zendesk Support)
Aug 15 11:06
Hey Glenn,
I'm really sorry to hear that, and I know it's very frustrating! I reached out to our Product team again requesting to get an update, and I know this is on their radar to update soon. I'm glad to hear that you're subscribed to the page, and I'm sure that this specific request will get an update soon.
Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have further questions.
Carly Deibler
Customer Advocate |
| | Aug 14 05:43
Hi Carly,
Thank you for your help. At this time I have been subscribed to the thread for almost 2 years and see not track to the solution from ZenDesk development. As you can see this is a major thorn in the side of many of your customers based on the response. I would like to know the outcome of the discussion with your Product Team because to be honest I do not see any feature requests as hot as this one based on the overwhelming response from your customers (including me).
Thank you
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Carly Deibler (Zendesk Support)
Aug 13 13:07
Hi Glenn,
I got your voicemail this morning regarding the feature request for CC'ing an end-user on a ticket - the link you referenced is here:
I believe you were curious about when we planned on implementing this, considering it is marked 'Planned' on the forum. However, you are definitely correct that we haven't updated this thread recently regarding our implementation plans! So sorry about that.
We currently are working with a member of our Product team to get an update on this forum.
For now, my best recommendation is to subscribe to that forum, so that you get a new update when we make it available.
I am confident that our team will update the thread soon, as we have another open ticket regarding this lack of update.
Please feel free to reply back to this ticket, or give us a call back to discuss!
Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have further questions.
Carly Deibler
Customer Advocate |
Chris Anderson
+1 I really need this. We have customers asking for this exact feature (being auto-cc'd on tickets originating from anyone in their organization). For now, I'll point them to the Shared Organization subscription feature, thanks for the tip on that.
Zendesk folks - any update would be greatly appreciated here. I'm not sure how you manage your feature requests, but this thread has a pretty substantial volume of interest spanning multiple years. Are there really that many other features that customers are requesting in higher volume than this? What's the prioritization strategy? Is it more of a product dev. bandwidth issue or a feature request volume issue or that this isn't a customer-agnostic enough feature?
Thanks in advance!
Roy Ho
Max McCal
Hey, Everyone -
I've been watching this thread for quite a while, and mostly we haven't updated because we don't have an easy, quick, or especially good answer at this point. In the past there were definitely some technical limitations that would have made it hard for us to allow the selection of any end user from a drop down given the number of users some accounts have, and a plain text field caused some other headaches for us on the back end. Those issues are largely dealt with (or at least could be dealt with at this point now that our technology has caught up to the issue), so this is something we can think about at this point.
In thinking about it, though, we'd like to get a little deeper into how this should be done best. One thing we'd like to do is address the pain points that people are dealing with, and not immediately jump to the already immensely complex business rules engine if there's a way to avoid it or make it simpler. For example, one poster mentions: "We have IT Managers that need to be copied every time one of their employees sends us a ticket." Right now we offer the option for an end-user to subscribe to notifications when someone else in their organization submits a ticket. That might not be an obvious feature (so maybe we just need to make it more obvious) or it might not solve the problem at all. We'd like to know why. It might be this is better solved with permissions or something else.
So, this is something we'd like to solve, so we're going to begin doing some research --- interviews with some of the folks here and in other threads. If you're interested in participating, you can reach out to me at to schedule a discussion. I'll attempt to be more transparent about our thinking on this as it evolves. Essentially, consider the "planned" flag on this story an indication that we're going to solve this problem, although perhaps not in exactly this way.
Chris Anderson
Max - the thoughtful response, follow-through, and transparency is very much appreciated. I personally went ahead and instructed our customers to utilize the "subscription" feature you mentioned, which I think should do the trick for now.
Thanks again and have an awesome weekend!
Joe Hettinger
Do you have a link to directions for an end-user to subscribe to notifications when someone else in their organization submits a ticket?
Andreas Larkfeldt
This seems to work:
Please try it :)
Joe Hettinger
The link for adding a target ;looks like it would work, but the "Target" cannot reply to the ticket. How would you address this?
Chris Anderson
@Joe the "Subscribe" option isn't showing for customers, or when I try - I pinged Zendesk support and am waiting on a response. I'll follow up here with what I find out.
David Podmore
@Chris Anderson - I've just been looking into this myself, as I too will find it useful. From what I can see, you'll need to set the 'Users' field on your organisation to 'Can view all org tickets' for the 'subscribe' button to appear for your users.
If anyone at ZD is still reading this thread - this seems a little counter intuitive. Surely we should be able to leave the Organisation as 'Can view own tickets only' and set individual users to access to the org's tickets. Doing so gives each user the Organisation tab in the portal, but no 'subscribe' button...??
Chris Anderson
@David I did that and followed all the instructions in the documentation, but it still doesn't show. Not sure what the issue is.
Max McCal
Hey, Everyone -
For those asking about the option to subscribe to an organization's tickets, I was speaking a little bit incorrectly. We DO have an option to subscribe to an organization in the web portal (Zendesk's old end-user portal), but we do not currently have that option in the Help Center. It's an item on our roadmap, planned for release in the not-too-distant future.
For those on Web Portal, to do so the end user must log into the web portal, then open the tab which shows them their organization's tickets. This will only be available for organizations which allow users to view one another's tickets. From there, they should see a "subscribe" link. We'll be replicating this feature in the Help Center.
Don Shipp
I would just like to express appreciate to Zendesk for actively working on a solution and helping to resolve this. I was able to resolve this by adding people to a new organization, then creating a trigger based on organization to send notifications to a new target. This works for me!
Claire Graham
+1 on this, the workarounds are pretty long winded. Would love this feature.
Lachlan Robbins
+1 for us too, it would be very useful, or at least subscribe function in latest help portal.
Sebastiaan Wijchers
The workaround doesn't help me (or I'm misunderstanding it), but I require this functionality too. Topic is almost 5 years old and I see several 'indications' and 'promises' that haven't been met. So I hope we get this functionality soon, either by triggers, or subscribing through the Help Center.
Hans Weihe
How on earth can it take Zendesk so long, to implement this obvious and very simpel feature. 5 years?
Steve Szabo
Hmmm - the topic suggests that its "planned", if that is the case, is there an ETA of when we can expect this to be included in Zendesk?
We really need this feature too!
It can't be that difficult to to give us a blank field rather than a drop down so that we can just type in the email address that needs to be added to the CC list?
Since the functionality is already there to add the email address of an agent to the CC field then it is also there for any email address to be added, just change the field from a drop down to an entry field and we would all be happy.
Fernando Duarte
In my case, instead of relying on a trigger to auto CC a customer to all of their company's tickets, I assume their identity and subscribe them to their company tickets.
This achieves the same results that the trigger would. Hope this helps some of you.
Steve Szabo
Hi Fernando,
Good point, but isn't the 'subscribe' option only available in the old web portal?
My domain is sitting on the new 'help centre' which doesn't have this feature any more :(
Ultimately, I'm stuck at the moment and the only option is to manually go into a ticket to manually add a CC to the ticket, the only other option would be to force our customers to raise tickets via the email feed, and then CC their colleague into the email which will automatically attach that person as a CC to the ticket whether or not they have a zendesk account in our subdomain.
Fernando Duarte
You are correct. I am using the old Web portal.
There is a new thread to request the Subscribe to Organization in Help Center
Steve Szabo
Ah - thank you for that!, apparantly its already in the roadmap to be included at some point, not sure when.
Hadn't seen that link, so I'll hit follow and bump it up with a +1
Do you have any idea about this feature though? Are we any closer to having the option to specify an email address as a CC within the trigger.
Taras Savchuk
Hey, Zendesk, are you alive? :(
This thread is open for 5 long years... (((((((((
Kristen Vales
+1 New to Zendesk but really need this. This would help us tremendously for our end users who are managing multiple organizations.
Adam Fronteras
Can we have an idea of when this will be, onm the roadmap does not really help much in planning - 12 weeks, 12months, 12 years!
Carly Britton
We have one particular organisation that has a email group that needs to be cc'd in on all tickets. At the moment we are doing this manually and sometimes it does not get added on due to human error so this implementation would be really valuable to us. Thanks
Christopher Thomas
I find it truly astonishing how many times I read a post where hundreds of people are all looking for the same functionality and yet it is rarely added. I really don't see what would be so difficult in allowing someone to type in an email address to have it add to the cc list. For a customer driven product you do a very poor job of listening to your customers.