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Talk Service Level as a Percentage


Publicado 08 de mar. de 2018

 Talk lacks the ability to see a service level at a glance. All other call center software offers this view and many allow customization of the equation that calculates the percentage of service offered. For example, what percentage of calls have been answered in a target time of 30 seconds, or what percentage of calls offered have been answered. This type of live metric is essential in call centers that need to keep a regular pulse on the performance of their call center as well as time management groups for forecasting staffing levels.



18 comentários

It's mind boggling that such a common KPI is unavailable in Talk...


I did find that this KPI can be created in Insights. I just had to make a custom metric for it in Good Data. The downside is this is in Insights and only refreshes on the hour. It also is not easily visible to the team or anybody who doesn't have access to reporting.


How did you set it up in Good Data?


Hello Bradley. I just made a simple metric to display the percentage of calls answered.

  1. Click the Reporting icon ( ) in the agent interface, then open the Insights tab.
  2. Click the GoodData link in the upper right corner.
  3. Click Reports .
  4. Click the green Create Report in the upper right corner.
  5. In the What menu, click the (advanced) link next to Add new metric .

    I have my number format set as the following:


I did have to create a custom metric.

Under MAQL
SELECT #Accepted Calls / #Inbound Calls

I then made 1 widget in the dashboard. This is set to display 'current' info. The other is a report with a date timeline so that I could easily compare changes for a period of time.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for sharing that answer, Jose! 


Are there any plans to show service level as a live metric in Talk Reporting? 


I'd also like to voice my opinion that this continues to be mind boggling. How Talk is unable to display the current phone service for the day is quite absurd.  Does anyone know of a way to set up an alert that can fire off a ping (SMS, slackbot, etc...) if service level gets to a certain low point? Or wait times exceed like 5:00 minutes or something?  

The lack of ability to monitor real time service level is proving to be a real problem for us!


Real time SLA's are vital to any Contact Centre.


Zendesk need to look into the metric being available in the generic Dashboard.


Jose - 

I think your widget gets me close to what I'm looking for.  However, It looks like the MAQL isn't quite right, as it's measuring accepted calls/total calls, rather than accepted calls where wait time is < 30 (or some number) / total calls. 


Logically, I'm looking for this, but I'm getting a crazy high number for SL.

SELECT # inbound Calls WHERE Call Wait Time<30/# inbound Calls



@James Cory

SELECT # inbound Calls WHERE Call Wait Time<30/# inbound Calls

With what you have here, you would be including calls that never left your IVR/auto-attendant in both your numerator and denominator. 

Typically you will have many calls abandoned before the phone rings (so <30) which would make your numerator higher resulting in a high SL. 

Usually you would not include calls that are never "offered" to an agent in the formula. What I do is create a customer metric which only includes the number of calls that have passed the IVR/auto-attendant, and I use that new inbound call number in the SL formula. 


I like Zendesk, but for call centers, the Service Level % is a mainstay. There should be a report where you...

  1. Choose the phone line you want measured
  2. Enter the service level threshold (i.e. 20 sec)
  3. Enter the max abandoned rate to be excluded (i.e. <5 sec)
  4. Enter the period to be measured and (i.e. last month)

Voila! you have your Service Level %. Come on guys! Tell me this is available.

And if you want to be great at it, then have it auto refresh for you depending on interval rate.


Jose - Agreed!

I was able to build this report in Explore, but it wasn't simple and took a fair amount of work, which is frankly embarrassing for a telephony product.

However, Explore only updates every 2 hours, so real time service level is non-existent, and I can't see how I'm performing right now.



Can you walk me through how you did this, please? I use explore as well and Im struggling.



I'd be happy to.

Send me an email at <redacted> and we can set some time up.



I use Explore and also struggling to build a report for SL percentage. Can you show me how you did this, please?


@..., if you can share this, it would be great!


Has anyone sorted out how to do this with the new changes in Zendesk?  I'd love to be able to get this metric.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Wade,

I was able to track down the following recipe that could point you in the right direction here: Explore recipe: Percentage of calls answered in more than 30 seconds

You'll need to customize the report to the desired internals you'd like to use.

Hope this helps!


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