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Feature Request: Add CC field to Web Widget
Publicado 06 de jun. de 2020
Based on
Feature Request:
Allow the ability to add a CC field to the Web Widget.
Use Case:
We would like our end-users to be able to add CCs directly from the Web Widget ticket creation screen.
Currently, there is no way for an end-user to CC another person when creating a ticket via the Web Widget.
Description/Example/Use Cases/Proof of End-Users Requesting:
11 comentários
Paul Lawrence
I agree.
The previous version had the CC box for users. I use the Web Widget in applications and on webpages. My customers/users are always asking for the CC to be added back.
Joshua Selser
Reasoning is: a form should be a form -- is there a reason it would be presented differently in the widget than on a site?
We are trying to direct our customer base to a site that isn't Guide-based and is more in line with what we're trying to present -- but they have no option to copy people which is a huge part of our workflow. It must be done manually after the fact, and after some discussion and back-and-forth.
It is not clear to us why this feature would need a lot of thought or consideration.
Soumaya Hamouda
Hi ,
any update about this??
Mark Rickard
Dear Zendesk Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my strong support for the feature request to add a CC field to the Web Widget, as outlined in this feature request.
As a long-standing user of Zendesk Guides, I've come to appreciate the convenience and efficiency they bring to our customer support processes. The ability for end users to include CC recipients when submitting support requests via web forms is a critical aspect of modern communication. It not only ensures transparent and collaborative interactions but also helps streamline communication channels.
It's been noted that this feature request was created back in 2020 and has garnered significant attention from the Zendesk community. However, the absence of this functionality in the Web Widget has been a limitation, preventing us from achieving the same level of flexibility that the Help Centers offer.
By incorporating the CC field into the Web Widget, you would bridge an important gap and provide a more consistent experience across your platform. This enhancement would undoubtedly improve the user experience, encourage better communication practices, and align the Web Widget with the evolving needs of businesses and customers alike.
I urge Zendesk to give due consideration to this request and prioritize its implementation. Adding the CC field to the Web Widget would not only demonstrate your commitment to enhancing customer experience but also showcase your responsiveness to user feedback.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to witnessing Zendesk's continued dedication to innovation and customer-centric solutions.
Best regards,
Mark Rickard
Technical Writer
Kevin Nelson
It appears that this request has not been addressed by Zendesk. My team is also looking to implement this functionality. We have an end-user base that we'd like to leverage our simple widget for ticket submission. However, its often the case that an end-user wants to include other end-users for visibility to the ticket and we'd like for end-users submitting tickets to be able to add them at the submission point. This would be a very valuable function. Thanks!
Matt Helms
I would also like to add 1 on this. This would make things alot easier for our end users upon ticket submission. This would save time and resources. Thanks!
Malek Pallie
This function would be very helpful for my organization as well. Please consider adding it to a future release.
Anastasiya Kastsiushkina
Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience and for sharing your invaluable feedback.
We fully understand your request. At this time, however, we are unable to commit to prioritizing this for the Web Widget (Classic). In our ongoing effort to enhance the Zendesk Web Widget, we've captured your feedback and added it to our backlog. This means that your suggestion for a conversation-sharing functionality is on our radar and will be considered as we plan future developments, either alongside other feature updates or as a stand-alone improvement.
We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note, that as per our Community Guidelines, we cannot commit to implementing every feedback item we receive, but we greatly value your input.
Thank you for your understanding and your partnership with Zendesk.
Best Wishes,
Gai Ko
Any updates about this?
we urgently need this feature - Add CC field to Web Widget
Stephanie Baaklini
We need this as well. Upvoting.
Duane Bredel
Would be extra. useful if it would allow for end users from the same organization to choose each other, as if from an address book.