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Customize search results columns
Publicado 13 de jul. de 2017
We like the power of the search but it'd be even better if we could choose which columns show in the search results, similarly to how you can when creating Views.
120 comentários
Cheng-Chung Wu
Any update on this request?
Monika Schrenk
Organisation would be a very important column by receiving the results of the genereal search. It would be great to have the possiblity for customising, in the meantime it would help if you could add the organiation column to this view
Markus Schulz
It's a must! For instance our sales people are Light Agents but they use the zendesk search to get an overview about the daily communication of their customers with the inside sales support. Unfortunately in the search result you do not have a column 'organization'. For a sales person this is a very important information to get a quick overview.
I have received dozens of requests from our sales people to make it visible. So please implement the possibility to customize the search result.
Preethi Thutika
Thanks for the feedback, all.
We understand the urgency and the need for customized search results views based on user role, organizational function, and effectiveness. Significant work is being planned for 2022 and 2023 to expand the usefulness and improve the user experience in the Support search space. This feedback is extremely valuable and important to us.
Preethi Thutika
Hello All,
We will be hosting a Community Event to learn more from you about your experience with Support Search. Please reach out to us if you'd like to engage further and participate in these discussions. Here is a link where you can RSVP to the event -
Frank Spildener
I, like apparently many other users, consider this a standard functionality of an application. It's a mystery to me that this thread has been around for 4 years and now you're inviting people to an event to find out what they want.
The answer from my point of view is: the possibility of a column definition at least for standard ticket fields.
I would be very happy to see this implemented.
Thanks a lot
Roda Anthony
Hello, apparently we need to make comments to express our need. There are several of us, about 100 comments, who want an organization column in the Support search in the Tickets tab. There have been comments since 2018 on this thread. You first ask us to express our need on this comment and then 4 years later you create an event for us to tell you what we need.
We need this feature, and it's been 4 years of asking, I hope you take this comment into consideration.
Thomas Lang
It is actually pretty crazy for the amount of $$$ it costs per user, and a feature that seems to be the sought-after based on comments, and 4 years old is not yet addressed!!! Zendesk team where are you with this? Surely you should be able to customize the search by custom fields without having to go with the convoluted Advanced search app.
Brittany Mandel
Is there any update on this? This organization field not showing when searching for tickets seems like a HUGE blind spot that needs to be taken care of. We should be able to customize the search columns in the same manner as views. The fact that people have been asking about this since 2017 is wild to me.
Daniel Cortés Serón
I agree with this update. Its really important.
Anthony Stenhouse
Being able to add custom fields into the Search results would allow our team to hone in on target tickets when looking up a broad range of subjects. Is there any update on this as a roadmap item?
Scott Allison
Thank you everyone for the feedback, it's truly appreciated. This is on the roadmap, and it's work we will start in Q4 of this year. I'll update this thread again in Q4 with our progress and when we expect to release this capability.
We're working on the designs right now. If you would be willing to spend 20 minutes with us on zoom providing feedback please fill out this form. If you're selected, we'll be in touch!
Scott Allison
Thank you everyone for the feedback, it's truly appreciated. This is on the roadmap, and it's work we will start in Q4 of this year. I'll update this thread again in Q4 with our progress and when we expect to release this capability.
We're working on the designs right now. If you would be willing to spend 20 minutes with us on zoom providing feedback please fill out this form. If you're selected, we'll be in touch!
Bruce Williams
I agree, this is very urgently needed. Sad to see it is not in the product already. Has been asked for many years.
Michael Campbell
Plus one for adding this feature. It is q4 2023 now is there an update on where this one stands?
Westley Thompson
Where are we on the development of this? It seems like a simple feature request that should have been implemented by now. We are currently needing to revamp our client tags in order to differentiate our tickets when searching.
Can we get an update on this? @...
Nik Corr
Definitely still wanting this
Rolf Hayes
Ditto, definitely need this.
ZD carried out a survey and online meeting on this last year if my memory serves. I don't know why it isn't just developed and implemented. It's quite clear what many are wanting.
Scott Allison Q4 of 2023 has long since past could you give us a further update?
Markus Schulz
Also from our point of view this is an important feature especially for B2B (e.g., to display the organization name).
Please implement this feature!
Daniel Cortés Serón
the fourth quarter will be 2024? :(
Its an improvement that would help many clients and does not seem difficult to exectute. Ohhhh!!!
Stacy Win
Is there any update on this feature? The last comment says it was being targeted for release in Q4 2023.
This would be really beneficial. I love the advanced search feature but it the result columns are missing details that I need to see.
Assen Gueorguiev
Scott Allison , would you be so kind to provide an update? This continues to be discussed on multiple threads and there have been no real updates since your June 5, 2023 comment indicating that work will start in Q4 of 2023. If you could provide an ETA/ETR, that would be wonderful. Thank you in advance!
Alyssa Hubbell
Hi all - I'm Alyssa, Senior Product Manager for Search. This feature is planned to start development this quarter and we are targeting a Q1 release. Thank you all so much for your continued patience - we understand this is a critical feature and are excited to get it into your hands as soon as possible.
Chris Hobbs
Alyssa Hubbell - just clarify your last statement, “we targeting a Q1 release” you are talking about Q1 2025, correct?
Is there any kind of EAP available to enroll for this?
Laurel Link
Did this ever happen?
Shawna James
Hi all, thank you for your feedback and follow up here. I have spoken with our product team and unfortunately this feature has been deprioritized for our 2025 roadmap. This is a valid feature request and the team appreciates this feedback being raised however we can not commit to it in the near future.
We understand this may be disappointing to some customers; not having the features you wish you see at Zendesk prioritized is an understandably frustrating experience. We look forward to 2025 being exciting year of innovation for our product and bringing new features to you all. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out our Community events and Zendesk Updates. Thank you again for your feedback and we appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.
Ken Rose
For the last few years, I feel like Zendesk has 2-4 developers handling all of their platform which has since become legacy when compared with the market.
When a 4-page feature request to allow customized columns within the search results is ultimately deprioritized (along with thousands of other feature requests), you can only suspect one thing.
Zach Wales
When it comes to Zendesk Support, we truly don't want lots of new innovation from Zendesk, we just want ways to actually view the information we already have, easily. The workflows, configurations, automations, reporting, etc… are already so rigid that we've had to generate workarounds to even use the platform in a consistent way. Not having the ability to do something as simple as consistently add the same columns to searches in the same way you can for views is painful.
Zendesk seems to be relying upon our sunken costs within its implementation to our platforms to maintain affinity. The amount of 4-8yr old feature requests that are still being asked for updates speaks to this pretty clearly.
Rolf Hayes
Hello Shawna James
What would make it an exciting year is to bring this back on plan for this year. As others have said, we're not looking for lots of innovation with AI and fancy developments; we just want some simple features to be added to help us provide better customer service. AI is all well and good, but good customer service is still done in person by humans and AI is still a long way from being personable.
Perhaps Zendesk could provide some good customer service to their customers like we are trying to do to ours by using your system. Seems a bit of a paradox to me.
Scott Allison look forward to your comments on this too as we were really looking forward to having it this year.
Katja Austero
our organization would really like to have the option to adjust the search page. We'd like to add i.e priority column and rearrange current columns. Hopefully this will be something that's available soon.