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Initial feedback on the Agent Workspace

Publicado 13 de mai. de 2022

So I have had, yet another, reminder to switch over to the new agent workspace.

I have had another look and here's my initial feedback when comparing to the current workspace.

1) The ticket Subject/Title is no longer in bold, larger font, so it gets lost on the screen. When dealing with multiple tickets open at once this is a key anchor point for the eye identify what you are working on.

2) The Ticket fields on the left now have even more white space between the fields. This gives the agent more scrolling up/down to view info. If anything these need to be closer together than currently as when we moved to Zendesk from our old system all the scrolling the agents had to do was a constant gripe.

3) The light grey horizontal bars between each posting have gone, which loses the structure of the ticket. (They DO appear on the email to the Requester). There is more white space between each post. Again. more scrolling for agents. Less info on screen at any one time.

4) To flip between Public and Internal comment now takes two clicks, before it was one. How can this be seen a better UX? Can we have the two tabs as before.

5) The Apply Macro button has shifted left. This should be aligned with the text input box. Not the sidebar.

6) The Internal comments posting is shaded much lighter than before and doesn't stand out as well, in my view.

As it stands we have decided not to migrate to the new Agent Workspace.




30 comentários


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone,

Excited to share with you that Modernized Conversational Experience beta is now accepting sign ups:

We will be addressing the pain point expressed in this post as well as part of this beta. Inviting all of you to have your admin sign up to opt into this beta to provide us early feedback. Thanks!


Seconded. I am curious why such a big company like Zendesk does not understand the basic agent needs (less scrolling, fewer clicks, clear visual marks, etc.)


Darren Bell I agree with Point 5, the macro field would be better positioned where it originally lived, directly under the email/ correspondence field.


+1 this is all the UI feedback I had noted as well. Thank you for creating this post!


Here is one of the feedback posts I made for creating better differentiation of Agent/End-user replies:


I have seen a number of similar comments spread across different posts. We looked at the Agent Workspace when it first came out but I wasn't really aware of the Zendesk Community pages at that point so had nowhere really to document my feedback. 

I don't see any of my points as needing major effort from Zendesk to change and implement and would make a lot easier for people to migrate over - it all depends on whether Zendesk see them as part of their vision for the Agent Workspace.  Let's see how Zendesk respond.....




We need mandatory migrate to Workspace because of some feature and enhancements we need. I raise similar and more feedback years ago during early Agent Workspace phase. They didn't change anything it is not agent friendly and performance is terrible me.

So stop dreaming.


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Darren Bell,

Thanks for providing feedback. We appreciate hearing from our customers so that we can take steps in the right direction to improve the current experience. I'd like to address a couple of points and would love further engagement here:

1. This is great feedback. This is the first time we have come across this one but it makes sense. We are currently working on redesigning how the conversation log looks, so we will take this one into account.

2. The vertical spacing between ticket fields is based on the recommendation from our Garden design system, we'll work with them to see if we could reduce the vertical spacing between ticket fields so that agents could see more fields without having to scroll. We've also recently launched an enhancement so that agents could look at 2 or more rows of ticket fields whenever needed.

3. Agreed that this needs to be improved. We are taking this feedback into consideration during our redesign. Besides this, we are also working on ways to better distinguish between agent response, end-user response, light agent response, and external response. We believe the new designs should help solve some of these pain points.

4. The reasoning behind having a channel switcher is to be able to have an integrated and unified system. I understand how two clicks instead of previously one click can be annoying and can seem unnecessary, but this will help us scale well if there are new channels added to the channel switcher. Since everything is in one place, we could have any number of channel switch options in a single ticket.

How would you feel about using the keyboard shortcuts to switch channels? We provide keyboard shortcuts to open a public reply box and an internal note box in the composer.

5. We do understand the frustration with this change and I'll share this feedback with the team. This change was made in order to provide our customers with the ability to configure the layout of their ticket interface. We want to provide a flexible workspace and this change will help achieve that from a technical standpoint.

6. Thanks! We'll look into ways to improve the internal comment posting during our redesign.

Appreciate the engagement here! We are working towards some of these pain points.




To complete this feedback, our company's feedback is as follows. We have migrated to the new workspace. And the next day, we went backwards, because :

1) And this is the main reason: we no longer see the recipients and CC of the received and sent emails! On exchanges with multiple interlocutors with some added in exchange, it's impossible to do without! To compensate for the disappearance of this basic display in a ticketing system, the agents have to display the Events, which is not desirable for our employees who work in particular on tickets with several dozen comments

2) The fact of having the input field at the bottom means that when you open a ticket, you are automatically moved to the bottom, at the end of the last message received. But when Zendesk can't identify the history of emails to a reply, and leaves everything displayed, you have to scroll up, and sometimes a lot, to get to the beginning of the last message (which should be the target of the arrival on the ticket).

3) The loss of the small summary of the arrival information under the subject (email from the requester to which support email address, and via whom/what)

4) The title of the tab shows the name of the requester and not the ticket title

Hopefully, changes will be possible soon, as this will definitely prevent us from deploying other messaging channels


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for the additional feedback, Anne-Flore Caire

1. We realize that the current display of CCs is not working in several situations. The team is currently working on a fix and we should be able to release it in the next couple of weeks. I'll update here once released. :)

2. Thanks for the feedback. We have planned to work towards opening the ticket at the top of the latest message instead of the bottom. We should have updates on this one soon.

3. Could you elaborate a bit more on this? We display the via channel information. What are some of the reasons your team needs the display of the requester's email address and to's email address in the ticket header? Would love to understand your workflow. Thanks!

4. I'll share this feedback with the team. Can you share the primary channel for your business?

Thanks for engaging!


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for engaging in this post. As we work on redesigning the reading and writing experience, your feedback is very valuable. I'm looking to meet with you 1:1 or in a group to get feedback on the new designs.

Please do not post your personal information when responding to this request, but please let us know if you're open to meeting 1:1 or in a group setting to provide feedback on a few new designs. Thanks! Once we hear back from you, we'll coordinate time with you and send a calendar invite for a 30-minute session. 


Amisha Sharma Hi! I would be happy to provide feedback on new design.


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks, Tommy (Anatolii Binkovskyi). Sending you an email :)



please add us too for feedback.




Hi Amisha Sharma

Thank you for your feedback and consideration of the points above.
I am answering your question about my feedback on the loss of the small summary of the arrival information under the subject.

This small summary was perfect for our agents to immediately identify the requester, his company (when possible via the domain of his email address. It also immediately identifies the most important clients), and which team was requested. 
Most of our departments have multiple teams and multiple support emails depending on our products so we can assign requests to the right team. And some collaborators are in multiple teams so it allows them to identify the right team to respond to when they handle a ticket. It's like conscious or unconscious conditioning. 
Another benefit is that our agents can see immediately if the ticket is from another team. We have Support and Administration departments deployed on Zendesk, so it often happens that a technical support request ends up in our Sales department, or vice versa. They have the reassignment information in the ticket, but when it is long, having this visual information first saves time for the agents in understanding the ticket they are starting to process, which may already be long. 
In addition, we work with applications that are important to us and priority is often given to the application side rather than the requester information side.

Best regards


In regard to number 5, I have a feedback post specifically on this at 

We have stayed in agent workspace as we needed to in order for a channel integration we had to make, but our team continues to hope some of the things you've mentioned will be improved or fixed. 


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Tobias Hermanns - Sending you an email.

Anne-Flore Caire- Thanks for explaining, very helpful. I'll be looking into this.

Trudy Slaght - Shared this post with the team.

Thanks all!


Hi Amisha Sharma

I also would be happy to give direct feedback on any new design


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JJ Miclat

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, 

We've heard your feedback loud-and-clear, and have reduced the vertical spacing between ticket fields (while still taking aesthetics into account), and removed the horizontal separator between the Brand and the Requester field, so that we maximize the amount of ticket fields agents could see in their default browser viewport.



Awesome, that's a step in the right direction. Thanks!


Just checked in my Sandbox and yes, the ticket fields look so much better now! :-)


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello All,

Great news! We heard you and we have released an enhancement today. You can find more details in the article. Please feel free to provide feedback as well: 



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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello All,

Thanks for providing feedback.

We just released the display of To's & CC's information under each email message. Hope this helps solve the need. Please let us know if you have any additional feedback. Thanks!


Amisha Sharma This doesn't appear to be live yet, do you know when we should expect to see this change? 


Amisha Sharma this is an amazing improvement indeed! Thanks a lot for listening!


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

CJ Johnson - It should be live on everyone's account. Please let raise a ticket with our advocacy team if you're unable to see it.

Tommy (Anatolii Binkovskyi) - Glad you're liking it :)


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey folks!

We appreciate your feedback on this topic and would love to hear more directly from you live. Please join us on Thursday, April 25th at 9 AM PDT for our PM Roundtable. It’ll be an open discussion on what is and isn’t working with the recent UI changes regarding Agent Workspace. So please bring those questions, concerns, or feedback!

The product team would also like feedback on enhancements they plan on making in Agent Workspace, so we can design the experience tailored to your CX needs.

The link to register can be found here, we’d love to see you all there. 


Amisha Sharma


Completely agree with points 1, 4 and 5 of this post.

1) The subject line being smaller means that it's less obvious when the subject needs to be updated. We have a lot of tickets generated from automatic processes which therefore have suboptimal subject lines, such as:

  • Tickets raised by calling a customer from within Zendesk are raised with the subject "Call to John Smith"
  • Tickets sent through from other chat systems have a portion of the content of the message as the subject, like "hi i'd like know how to do blah in your system thx"
  • Tickets raised from the contact form are "Website Contact Form: John Smith"

I train my agents to change these subject lines before sending replies to the ticket, but I'm finding that even I forget because the subject is just so unobtrusive now. This is resulting in less professional contact points with our clients, which is frustrating. 

4) We use internal comments religiously for drafting responses, and the extra clicks (not to mention having to copy/paste the text between internal and public responses, because it doesn't carry over now) is a surprisingly impactful extra amount of time.

5) The Apply Macro button should definitely align with the field of work it applies to (i.e. the reply box).


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Thank you Nicky for adding your feedback in here, we appreciate your reply! Please note your feedback has been logged for our PM's to review. Thank you again. 


Well, I recently decided to finally start trusting the new Internal Note vs Public Reply functionality and have been using it as it now seems to be intended - to switch between submitting public or internal responses without needing to stop what I'm doing on the other response. It's been working well, and while I still prefer the original approach I could see how other customers would value this more.

When it works, that is. I just lost a public email I spent 45 minutes working on because I flicked over to submit an internal note. 

I believe this has occurred because I was creating a new ticket rather than replying to an existing ticket, but I'm not certain. Needless to say, I'll be going back to avoiding using this function at all.


Hi Darren Bell and Nicky Clark ,

We have recently updated our Drafts app on the Zendesk Marketplace, which should now be able to help solve one of the problems you have outlined above.   Specifically, the app provides a one-click button to move internal notes to a public reply.  The app is free to use, so please give it a try and see if it can help.  Full description of the app is on our Help Centre here.  Feedback is welcome!

Cheers ~


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