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Auto update status

Publicado 05 de jan. de 2023

We simply name a "New" ticket as a queuing ticket or unassign ticket. 

How can i set this scenario:

When the agents open / see the tickets:
1. Assigne will be automated filled in with their name

2. Status will be automate change to Open

So that we can easily track New Time (queuing time), and Open Time (Handling time by agent) for each ticket



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The Product Manager Whisperer - 2022Community Moderator

Zilvia Permata Sari - Innovation Team

We do this with a trigger. Set your conditions (i.e. ticket is created, etc.) then use the following actions:

Assignee is current user

Add tag (whatever you want to prevent the trigger from firing again)

Status Open

One of your conditions will need to be Tags contain none of the following (the tag you add in the actions).

If you need more detail, let me know.


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