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Want to filter tickets based on whether the schedule is active
Publicado 27 de nov. de 2023
We have a number of schedules set up for our different customers that overlap, so during any 24-hour period, different tickets will be active at different times.
To make the life of our agents easier, we are looking for a way of filtering tickets so we only see ones where the schedule is active, but have not been able to find a way to do this.
Ideally, it would be in a view - so, for example, if we have Customer A, whose schedule runs 9-5 UK and Customer B, whose schedule runs 8-Midnight UK, then we would like it so if someone looks at the view at 8.30am, they only see Customer B's tickets - then once reach 9am, we want to see both customers' tickets. Then at 5, we only wish to see Customer B's tickets, then between Midnight and 8am, we don't want to see either customers' tickets.
3 comentários
Harper Dane
Hi Claire — you might set up a custom field or a set of tags to label tickets with their schedule. Then apply the appropriate custom field selection via a "Meets ANY" trigger.
For example...
IF MEETS ANY: Requester Time Zone IS GMT -6/Pacific or GMT -7/Mountain, etc.
THEN: ("Schedule" Custom Field) = Schedule A
As you've noted, you can't filter views based on requester time zone, but you can filter views and/or set SLAs by custom field selections or tags.
I haven't tested this so I can't promise it will work, but hopefully this gives you ideas on something to try. :)
Claire Valentine
Thanks Dane
I can give that a go - my challenge is going to come when selecting tickets to automatically show at specific hours. We've got 7 different active schedules, with tickets spread amongst them, and the challenge is to focus the team who are working at any particular hours on the tickets that are "in contract hours"
The really frustrating issue is that I can see in Triggers, I can set "Within Business Hours" as a criteria, which I could use to set a Custom Field or a tag, but without anything else changing to trigger the trigger based on the current time, then it will never run.
Thank you again,
Harper Dane
I see what you mean. With my suggestion, you'd have to create a different view for each of the schedule(s) and rely on agents to work certain views during certain hours. Definitely not optimal, since you have so many schedules.
To put everything into one view and show tickets on the "currently active schedule," I think you'd need to use the Zendesk API to toggle tickets in and out of "active" status, but unfortunately I'm not sure what the step-by-step would be on that. It would take some coding/dev work.
Hopefully someone else may comment with a more graceful solution using native features!