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Revert the change that requires Ticket Status to be a column in all views.

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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Publicado 03 de set. de 2024

Hi Zendesk Product team,

I just finished working with support (Ticket #12896498) in which I was told that a recent UI/UX change we're seeing is intentional. I was advised to share feedback about this change here, so here you go!

What changed?

This change requires any ticket view to have a mandatory Ticket Status column. It cannot be removed, only the position adjusted. Not only does it appear this change wasn't announced (?!) it's hugely regressive to administering the system and demonstrates a lack of awareness as to how your customers use your platform.

What's the impact? Why is this is an issue?
We create views for different tickets with the status filtering put into place in the view parameters itself (ex: Status = New). This means that anyone viewing the tickets there can safely assume the status is New and it's not necessary to include a column for it.

The impact is that we cannot display as much data as we used to, because we are forced to devote a column to data that is not needed in our structures. Additionally, we use Lovely Views (as do many of your customers) to manage our views properly. Lovely Views displays status on its own, without forcing us to take up one of the 10 precious columns we have available for data.

The Ask

  1. Revert this ASAP please. Please don't assume which data should be shown about tickets on our behalf. That's very organization and configuration dependent.
  2. Log all changes in your release notes.

Cannot remove Status. Why?


Below is what a Lovely Views user would see.



10 comentários





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Jacob the Moderator

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

I agree completely! This change offers no value at all and is a major inconvenience. 
It is also concerning that this was made unannounced and for no discernable reason.


Please remove it, it reduces my column choice from a misely 10 to 9 columns and looks pointless when I group by status as well as view exports using a silly internal ID rather than the name.


Agree with the earlier posters, this offers no value and I did not see it on the release notes.


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

+1 to this as it does not add any value with this change.


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Agnieszka Pyzik

Zendesk Product Manager

Dear Dan,

Thank you very much for sharing your feedback.

The Status Column has always been a mandatory column and it is not included in 10 columns limit. The only  change is that when you enable Custom Ticket Statuses, the compact version of this column changes to the expanded version to display custom statuses rather than the status category. Additionally, we have added the option to change this column's position, which is why it is visible on the admin page. Previously, it was always presented as the first column. 


We would like to assure you that this is not a generic change to Views. You can disable Custom Ticket Statuses to remove this change immediately. I also want to assure you that this column is not included in your column limit because it does not count towards your column limit: you can add 10 columns + status column as 11th column.

What is more the duplication of status column seems to be a bug in LovelyView application where custom ticket statuses are turned on. 

In Zendesk Views we don't have duplicated status column. 



Nevertheless, we understand the inconvenience and we are working on implementing the possibility to remove this functionality for individual customers without reverting it for all customers. This option should be available within the coming days, and I will inform you as soon as it is released. 

We also appreciate your valuable feedback, which underscores the importance of providing more flexibility regarding the Status Column in Views. We will carefully consider it as we pursue a better final solution.

Best regards,



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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Thank you Agnieszka Pyzik for replying to this post so quickly, it's really appreciated!

I look forward to having it rolled back on our account. Additionally, I'd like to share some thoughts that might be helpful as the team works to refine this offering. 

1. Release notes need to be updated for all changes. Some admins operate in regulated or controlled environments and need to be able to point to a release note showing specifically when something changed. An in-app message when opening views for the first time after the change was deployed to explain what's new would have been another great way to change-manage this. 

2. IMO the older a set of functionality is in the system, the more heads up should be given about a change as it will impact more workflows. Views and their configurations have remained relatively static for years. All that to say, a heads up to admins that a frequently used configuration was changing would have been nice.

3. The way in which # of columns was indicated in view setup was not clear. How is a user supposed to know that Ticket Status does not count towards their column limit? Should the counter now indicate that the maximum value is instead 11? 

As a related question - In your screenshot showing the duplicate columns, I notice you have nested Views natively. How can we get that behaviour?

Thank you


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Agnieszka Pyzik

Zendesk Product Manager

Dear Dan,


I understand your concerns. You are absolutely right about the importance of updating release notes, providing more heads-up, and making the column limit indication clearer.


I truly apologize for these inconveniences. These problems arose due to my long-term health-related absence, but I assure you that we are addressing them, and such lapses should not have occurred. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated, and we are committed to providing a better experience moving forward.


Thank you once again for your constructive feedback.


Best regards




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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

We're very glad you're back Agnieszka, hope you are doing better!! The community really appreciates your quick reply and updates for this issue, as well as for sharing there's a plan to improve.



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Agnieszka Pyzik

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone,

Thank you once again for your valuable feedback! We are actively working on providing more flexibility in our views, and we have implemented changes that allow us to revert this change for your accounts to enhance your convenience.


If you would like us to proceed with this adjustment, please sign up using the form below: 

Please note that this removal will be temporary, until we implement a final solution to the issue.


Additionally, please be aware that the status column is not included in the column limit. If this is a concern for you, we recommend that you remain included in this implementation.


Thank you for your understanding!




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