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Reactions/reactji for internal notes
Gepostet 11. März 2021
I often miss the ability to react to comments (particularly internal notes) in tickets. It seems many of my most-often used tools (e.g. Slack, Github, Clubhouse) have the ability to do so, and I wish Zendesk had it too.
One use case I encountered today. I added an internal note asking a question, and someone got back to me with the answer. I didn't want to add extra noise in the ticket by acknowledging that I'd seen the answer and that it was helpful—I wished I could react with a ✅ or 👍.
3 Kommentare
Martin Cubitt
+1 from me, this would be a great feature and the use-case provided by the original poster makes perfect sense.
Tim Fremuth
+4 from gridX
Would be very helpful for our daily business and work within Zendesk.
Has a feature request already been created? Community Moderator
Amisha Sharma
Thank you for providing feedback.
We will definitely consider this feature idea as part of our Modernized Conversational Experience program. We will be back with an update as we are closer to development. Thanks!