When your Zendesk Sell account was created, the timezone was automatically set using the location of the person who created the account.
You need admin rights to change the account to a different timezone.
The selected timezone applies to all users in your account, regardless of their location, and all calls, data creation, and editing timestamps will be recorded based on this timezone. However, the appointments and tasks created by account users are based on their own computer’s timezone setting.
To change the account timezone
- Click the Settings icon (
), then select Manage > Account.
- Choose a different timezone from the Timezone list.
- Click Save.
When you change the timezone you may also need to change the date format. For example if you were to change from a US timezone to a European timezone, you’ll probably also want to change the date format from MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY.
To change the account time and date format
- Click the Settings icon (
), then select Manage > Account.
- Choose either 12 Hour Format (for MM/DD/YYYY) or 24 Hour Format (for DD/MM/YYYY).
- Click Save.
This changes both the time and date format on your account.