As described in Creating and using smart lists, you can save the modifications you make to the views and lists of your leads, contacts, and deals. Smart lists are easily accessible from the Working Center (see Using the Working Center to view and manage your smart lists) and help you to monitor your sales pipeline.
Another aspect of monitoring your sales pipeline is to understand how effective your communications channels are. You can do this by adding communications fields as filters on your smart lists. Or, you may want to create a smart specifically for this purpose.
This article covers the following topics:
- Setting up your communication channels
- Tracking your communication channels
- Recommendations for using the communication fields
Setting up your communication channels
Communication channels include email, voice calls, and text messaging. When you initiate communication with your leads and contacts using Zendesk Sell, all the data related to the use of those channels is saved and available for you to track.
Tracking your communication channels
Your communication channels can be added as filters to the views of your leads, contacts, and deals.
There are 14 communication fields that you can add as filters to your leads, contacts, and deals. You can add these filters to a working list, save the working list as a smart list, or create a new smart list just for tracking these channels.
The communication fields you can add include the following:
- Days Since Last Communication
- Days I'm Awaiting Contact Response
- Days Awaiting My Response
- My Last Incoming Call
- My Last Incoming Email
- My Last Incoming Text
- My Last Outgoing Call
- My Last Outgoing Email
- My Last Outgoing Text
- My Calls Without Lead/Contact Response
- My Emails Without Lead/Contact Response
- My Texts Without Lead/Contact Response
Email Effectiveness
- Views of My Last Email
To add a communication field as a filter
- Select where you want to add the communication field (a working list, an existing smart, or a new smart list).
- Click the +Field button.
- From the Communication category, select the communication field you want to add.
The field is added as a filter and you then further configure the field as needed. For example, if you add the My Last Incoming Call field, you may want to set a date range.
Recommendations for using the communication fields
To get you started using the communication fields, you may find the following recommendations useful.
Track everyone’s communication
Use the Days Since Last Communication field and select Everyone’s Communication option.
Reach out to new prospects
Use the Days Since Last Communication field and select the With No Communication Yet option.
Improve follow up communication
Use the the My Calls Without Lead/Contact Response, My Emails Without Lead/Contact Response, My Texts Without Lead/Contact Response fields to track the communication attempts that have not resulted in a reply.
Analyze the effectiveness of your email campaigns
Use the Views of My Last Email field.
Rodger Bradford
Hello, I am seeing that communication through Support does not factor in DAYS SINCE LAST COMMUNICATION (DSLC). Is this an expected behavior? Ideally, we would like to see the DSLC start over when our CS team replies to a customer ticket in Support.
Alice Roberts
Hi Rodger! Currently, your assumption is correct that communication through Support does not factor into Sell's communication fields. I would highly recommend that you go over to our Feedback page, to submit this!
Rodger Bradford
Thanks Alice. I have submitted it to the Feedback page.
Maeghan Shives-Sams
In regards to "Note: Of the 14 communication fields are available, only one of them, the Days Since Last Communication field, provides an option to view everyone’s communication activity. The other 13 track only your own communication activity."
How can I view these fields for each of my agent's contacts?
- Days Awaiting My (Agent's) Response
- My (Agent's) Last Outgoing Email
- Views of My (Agent's) Last Email
- My (Agent's) Last incoming Text
Like what was mentioned on the note, it is only available on your own communication activity.
I'd recommend creating a Community post separately for that with your use case to help get more visibility and votes on the idea. Then, others can share their use cases to further drive demand for that feature.
The 'Days Since Last Communication' and 'My Last Outgoing Email' fields are severely out of sync. The communications are logged in real time on the company and customer profiles. The Activity Report is also capturing this data but these fields are reporting 30, 50, 60+ plus days since last communication even if the latest email was sent 2-3 days prior.
Any troubleshooting fixes for this issue? We've tried using the sync update in the communication tab with no luck.