The Active Deals widget gives you a summary of your active deals (those deals that are not set to Won, Lost, or Unqualified). Clicking into the Active Deals report provides you with many options for customizing your view of this data. For example, you might want to view this data by deal source, pipeline, or deal owner. You can also view this data by deal volume or deal value and apply filters and modify the timeframe.
To view the Active Deals widget and report
- On the sidebar, click the Dashboard icon. (
- Select the My Dashboard tab (open by default).
- If the Active Deals widget is not already visible on the dashboard, you can add it by clicking +Widget.
- Click the Active Deals widget to add it to your dashboard.
The widget displays a summary of the Active Deals report, based on how you’ve grouped and filtered the data in the report.
- Click the widget o view the Active Deals report.
You can set the timeframe (This Month, Last Month, Yesterday, etc.) and group the data by criteria such as deal owner and deal source. For example, if you click Group by, you can customize the view of your data.
You can choose how to display the data (by deal volume or deal value), and, as with other reports in Sell, you can also apply filters to the Active Deals report, including custom fields that you added to deals in your Sell account and set as filterable.
To save a customized view of the data you created, click Save. A summary view of the data is also shown on the widget.