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Adding multiple conditional expressions with SWITCH

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




Does anyone know if the switch expression supports wildcards?

Use Case: Have various organizations that need to be grouped together

  • ncxyz = North Carolina
  • ncabc = North Carolina
  • flabc = Florida
  • fldef = Florida

Would like to know if either of these options would work?

Option 1: SWITCH ([Organization]) {

                             Case "nc":North Carolina

                             Case "fl":Florida

                             Default:TBD }

Option 2: SWITCH ([Organization]) {

                           Case "nc*":North Carolina

                           Case "fl*":Florida

                            Default:TBD }


Hi Stacy, 
I think you might be better off using a nested IF/THEN statement, and using the STARTSWITH text function to check to see if the first two characters of the organization name match "nc", "fl", etc.. See Using the IF THEN ELSE function and the STARTSWITH function info here: Text functions


it's hard to find here how to write case "null" or case 0...


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