How can I add a secondary email address to a user account?
A user account can contain multiple email addresses. Each time you add an email address, Zendesk sends a verification email to this user, who needs to confirm it before the email address becomes valid.
To add a secondary email address to a user account
- In Support, use the search field to find the user
- Click the user you want to edit in the list of results to open the user's profile
- In the user's profile, click + add contact and select Email, then enter the email address in the field that appears
- Click Save at the bottom right to save your changes
Note: If you receive the error: This email is already used by... when adding an email, see the article: What does the error This email address is already used by mean? to resolve the error.
For more information on viewing, adding, and editing user profiles, see the article: Adding agents and admins.
Do additional emails automatically get cc'ed on emails to that person?
Gabriel Manlapig
No, secondary email will not be automatically get CC'ed on a ticket to send email notification. Support sends emails to the primary email address. The secondary email addresses are used to identify user accounts, but outgoing email ticket updates are sent to the primary email address.
I hope this answer your question. Thank you!
Paul Doyle
If a secondary email address is added to an End User, will those 'closed' tickets associated to the secondary email address be available to the primary email address / user? I know open/pending tickets will be.
We have found that when merging accounts, the historic 'closed' tickets are not available for the primary user.
Our clients are looking to change their email address domain, but concerned about losing historic tickets which they require to view.
Tickets in a closed status cannot be edited or modified, therefore if you merge two separate users the previously closed tickets on the merged user will not be merged to the primary user. Since you mentioned that your client is changing their email domain, you can just add the new email address to the existing user profile as an additional email address, then make the new email as their primary email. This way, you can retain all the tickets from their previous email on the same user profile.
Hope this clarifies!
Tony Mariani
Can there be a toggle to be able to cc or include all emails assigned to a user in a communication?
Simon Mason
Can you please add support for secondary email addresses to be emailed tickets when they are assigned?
thank you very much for the feedback. As it is now, this feature isn't available at the moment. But our product team is working hard in order to improve and add features. I can't confirm this feature will be added or if yes when, but I can tell you our team looks for feedback in our community, and they take in consideration several factors, also the engagement as well for possible future additions.
Thank you and I wish you a nice day!
Are end users able to manually add their own secondary email address? If so, what does that flow look like for an end user?
Gabriel Manlapig
Yes, as long as you allowed your end users to edit their Help Center profile, they can manually add their own secondary email address by editing the email field.
I hope that helps!
Stefania La Licata
Hello! How can I automatically CC an external email when a specific end user contacts my Support team?
However, you can have a look at the following community post where this topic is discussed. I hope that clarifies.
Jeff Q
Is there any way to do a bulk upload via API to add a secondary email if the user database we are using to populate Zendesk user profiles has two emails (lets say personal email and work email?