Which time zone does Zendesk Explore use?
Explore uses the Timezone in the user profile. This timezone is used by dashboards, dashboard content, dashboard exports, the dashboard email delivery trigger time, report builder, report export, and drill-in.
Dashboard content that is sent through dashboard deliveries uses the recipient's time zone. If a user who is not logged in views a public or password-protected dashboard, the timezone displayed there is based on the user’s browser settings.
Note: Unlike the agent interface in Support, daylight savings does not affect the times displayed in Explore.
For more information on dashboard deliveries, see the articles: Sharing and publishing dashboards and How does Zendesk account for daylight savings time?
Francois Spinnael
The default dashboard which one is it using ?
Because I have different values between the default dashboard & new dashboard... (everything was verified, filters) and the only difference value I see is the switch between UTC to Brussels zone.
I suppose it doest the same for time filtering? But in time filtering I can't adapt the SQL.
Meaning I have a difference between the default dashboard & created dashboard, for the same filters...
Related to this question:
Why is it that my report for call logs is still showing stats based on Philippine Time when I already updated my device and the Time Zone under Accounts>Localization to EST?
Gab Guinto
Explore uses the timezone selected in the user's profile. You can check your profile page in Support and make sure that the Timezone is also set to EST.
Ryo Ogochi
@... is there any way to change the applied timezone. With globally distributed teams we need to have a different timezone for profiles and reporting (explore).
Brett Bowser
The only way to change the timezone for specific users is through their profile page as mentioned in this article: Which time zone does Zendesk use?
Explore will use whichever timezone is set in those user profiles you edit.
Let me know if I'm misunderstanding your question!
Ryo Ogochi
thanks Brett Bowser. That's the problem though. Your profile setting isnt necessarily the timezone that you want your report to use. I work in Japan so i need the profile setting to be in Japan for zendesk to work in my timzone. But I want the reports to use Pacific time so we are aligned as a company.
Anissa Comonte
Brett Bowser seconding Ryo's comment above. I am looking for a way to measure reports in EST time zone, but we have agents and team members across different zones (myself included), so our reporting data is not currently consistent.
Dave Dyson
For the best visibility to our Product team, can one of you create a post about setting a fixed timezone at the report or dashboard level in our Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore) topic, using this template to format your feedback? Then add a link to your post here so the others can go upvote and add their use cases there as well. Thanks!
Lindsay Barrett
Hello Zendesk Team,
Has this issue been resolved?
The behavior is still the same. It will take into account the timezone of the user profile.
Almog Zamir
Is there ETS for when the problem will be solved?
When will the creation time on Explore and Support be the same?
Anne Nguyen
Hi - Is there an update on this yet?
Gravity CX
What browser settings specifically?
“If a user who is not logged in views a public or password-protected dashboard, the timezone displayed there is based on the user’s browser settings”
I have a user with their browser language set to English Australia and they are accessing a dashboard from a public link. The times displayed in the report are definitely in some other timezone other than Australia (AEDT)