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Can I send out mass emails campaigns to customers from Zendesk?

Edited Mar 27, 2023




Hi, everyone! We should say the Proactive Campaigns app has changed a lot since the first launch. Now, you can create your own users and ticket lists on the settings tab by pressing the “Add new list” button. Then define the Conditions by applying needed criteria. We usually add two or more conditions to create more precise lists. For example, you can select filter Role-Is-End User and Created-Greater-01.02.2021 and create a list of End-users produced after 01.02.2021. Besides, you can share your campaigns, import CSV files with users, enable internal notes, import from macros, or create lists with tags. Also, it updates now and then. We definitely recommend trying it for mass emailing.


Hi quick question - I'm trying to send out a proactive customer care email to a few dozen customers and then have it open a Zendesk Support ticket only if they reply. Would Proactive Campaigns or any other app within Zendesk enable something like this?

Thanks in advance!



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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Nacho,
These apps (MailchimpProactive Tickets, and Proactive Campaigns) allows you to send mass email campaigns to end-users in your Support account. But, the tricky part with these apps is that they proactively create the tickets on customers behalf and deliver them as emails, even if the users never responded.
If you want to keep this strictly within your own email inbox so that tickets are only created if customers themselves are responding, then you could email those users directly from their email inbox and use a Reply-To address as their Zendesk support address:
I hope this helps! Thank you!



Have a quick question based on your previous answer you provided to my co-worker which was:

If you want to keep this strictly within your own email inbox so that tickets are only created if customers themselves are responding, then you could email those users directly from their email inbox and use a Reply-To address as their Zendesk support address:


Can we send email using a shared address using Outlook without creating cases?

Thanks for your response!




Hi Nacho Cardozo, Gabriel Manlapig, Octavio

We updated that tricky thing about Proactive Campaigns and you can easily disable ticket creation after emails were sent. Also, you can add customers' replies to existing tickets or create new ones.


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