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How long are account verification emails and password reset emails valid?

Edited Aug 21, 2024




What happens if the customer lost or deleted the verification email? If customers with non-verified accounts request a password, will they be able to verify their account at that point and gain access to our site?

I'm aware of the ability to manually verify a customer's account, and to request that a new verification email be sent, but I am wondering if these agent-intensive measures are the only options, or if customers can gain access on their own in some way without intervention by an agent.

Situation: A few months ago we imported our existing customer base into Zendesk. We are finding that many of them did not recognize the source of the welcome email (since they are unfamiliar with Zendesk), and thus ignored or deleted the message without verifying their accounts.

We'd like to feature a reminder about our new Help Center in an upcoming newsletter, including, if possible, instructions on how to access it, but I'm unclear on what their options are. I appreciate any insight and suggestions!


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Diogo Maciel

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Liz!

Customers can still verify their accounts without the welcome email by going to the login page of your subdomain and following the "Forgot my password" process. They will then receive an email to define a password which will serve as their verification.

Best regards, Atenciosamente 
Diogo | Customer Advocate | Zendesk Certified Support Administrator Zendesk Certified Support Admin

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Can the time limit of 24 hours be changed? If so, how?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Shaun, 

Unfortunately, there's no option to change the time limit or validity of the emails. It's hard-coded into our system so there's no way to modify it. 

Hope this helps! 


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