You can use keyboard shortcuts in the article source code editor to help format your knowledge base articles. Below are the available source code editor shortcuts and their functions.
For information about editing source code, see Editing the source code of help center articles.
This article contains the following sections:
Standard editing
The following table lists the standard source code editor shortcuts for OS X and Windows.
Description | OS X | Windows |
Select all | Cmd-a | Ctrl-a |
Forward word | Opt-arrow-right | Alt-arrow-right |
Backwards word | Opt-arrow-left | Alt-arrow-left |
Move line up | Opt-arrow-up | Alt-arrow-up |
Move line down | Opt-arrow-down | Alt-arrow-down |
Copy line up | Shift-Opt-arrow-up | Shift-Alt-arrow-up |
Copy line down | Shift-Opt-arrow-down | Shift-Alt-arrow-down |
Blur editor | Escape | Escape |
Insert blank line | Cmd-Enter | Ctrl-Enter |
Select line | Ctrl-l | Alt-l |
Expand selection | Cmd-i | Ctrl-i |
Indent | Cmd-[ | Ctrl-[ |
Unindent | Cmd-] | Ctrl-] |
Indent selection | Cmd-Opt-\ | Ctrl-Alt-\ |
Delete line | Shift-Cmd-k | Shift-Ctrl-k |
Move to matching bracket | Shift-Cmd-\ | Shift-Ctrl-\ |
Toggle comment | Cmd-/ | Ctrl-/ |
Toggle block comment | Shift-Opt-a | Shift-Alt-a |
Search and multi-cursors
The following table lists the search and multi-cursor source code shortcuts for OS X and Windows.
Description | OS X | Windows |
Open search panel | Cmd-f | Ctrl-f |
Find next | Cmd-g | F3 |
Find previous | Cmd-Shift-g | Shift-F3 |
Go to line | Opt-g | Alt-g |
Select next occurrence | Cmd-d | Ctrl-d |
Undo selection | Cmd-u | Ctrl-u |
Redo selection | Cmd-Shift-u | Alt-u |
The following table lists the folding source code shortcuts for OS X and Windows.
Description | OS X | Windows |
Collapse fold | Cmd-Opt-[ | Ctrl-Shift-[ |
Expand fold | Cmd-Opt-] | Ctrl-Shift-] |
Collapse all folds | Ctrl-Opt-[ | Ctrl-Alt-[ |
Expand all folds | Ctrl-Opt-] | Ctrl-Alt-] |
Have you removed the option to "find and replace all"? I use this all the time and can't seem to figure out how to do so anymore with an apparent update to this process going through today.
Suzie Brannen
TK. I just tried Ctrl-F, and there is still a find and replace function.
Suzie Brannen I was able to locate this, but I will say it was much faster for me to use the previous Shift+Cmd+Option+F. This is a bit frustrating and will definitely slow down my processes.
Elizabeth Williams
Thank you for your quick help reporting problems with the cursor jumping unexpectedly. The bug has been fixed and the feature is relaunched. I removed comments associated with the bug to avoid confusion, and republished the article here. Thank you!
Brian Allan
Hi - I would also like to point out that as a tech writer i have hot keys built with the ctrl-shift-r command to speed up work fixing things in here - and now all that does is the ctrl+r page refresh which is frustrating - can we have the replace all command back - it is critical for our business especially when importing from any other writing program
Erin McGarry
I agree with the previous statements: not having CTRL+R as Replace All is seriously slowing me down. This shortcut was extremely useful when editing content that was copied over from another source, e.g. Google Docs. (There's so much unnecessary code copied over and I have to manually remove it - so every extra click/mouse move is substantial!) Please consider bringing back this functionality!
Brian Allan
The ctrl+f replace all feature also does not seem to work here - I need to delete all the spans and extra wysiwyg fluff that happens when importing a document. When I highlight the span and tell it to replace with nothing - it does nothing - deleting all of this by hand is not scalable
Ryan (Zheng) Wang
How can I add code block via shortcut instead of clicking the icon